Joe Biden is a flawed candidate. So what?



We are all captive of our own souls and know when we have made mistakes. Former Vice President Joe Biden voted in favor the war in Iraq, which many of us thought was the right decision based on the informatio­n we knew at the time. But Biden has a long history as a major player in our government, giving his life to public service.

I also enjoy seeing Biden’s affectiona­te behavior, which many of us may have lacked in our childhood. Some cannot even recognize affection for what it is without assigning it any underlying meaning. Mistakes were made, yes, but certainly overshadow­ed by the great work Biden has contribute­d to our progressiv­e policies over decades. I suggest that he get out there and talk about his work openly and try to relate to those who made a huge error voting Donald Trump into office. Just let Biden speak on the future of our democracy. We must go forward to achieve greatness!

Linda Gefen

Boca Raton, Fla.


The left is 100% out of ideas, having former Vice President Joe Biden as its top contender. All the left has now is its very old, very worn out card of identity politics. Nothing it can say on the economy, foreign affairs or immigratio­n can lay a hand on President Donald Trump’s ideas.

Benjamin Berlinsky

Biden is a truly decent man who is actually qualified to be president, based upon his experience, demeanor and education. America would do well with Biden as president. Can’t say the same for the rest of the Democrats running.

Eric Palmer

The problem with Biden is that he’s too moderate for the Democratic primaries. If somehow he does make it through, then you are going to have people on the far left who could vote for Trump rather than vote for a moderate. “The devil you know” type of thing.

Gregory Mahar

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