
Promontory: Music, bells and cannon fire rang out Friday at a remote spot in the desert where the final spikes of the Transconti­nental Railroad were hammered 150 years ago. An estimated 20,000 people swarmed to the celebratio­n at Golden Spike National Historic Park. Visitors came from as far as China, many decked out in old-fashioned garb. The event included a re-enactment of an iconic “champagne toast” photo of railroad workers perched atop locomotive­s. The festivitie­s also highlighte­d the vital contributi­on of the Chinese workers who put in long hours in brutal conditions and haven’t always received their proper due.

 ?? GEORGE FREY/GETTY IMAGES ?? Re-enactors toast the occasion Friday in Promontory.
GEORGE FREY/GETTY IMAGES Re-enactors toast the occasion Friday in Promontory.

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