Dems say Hicks ducked questions

Republican­s call panel’s session a waste of time

- Bart Jansen and Christal Hayes

WASHINGTON – Democratic members of Congress accused President Donald Trump’s former spokeswoma­n Hope Hicks of not answering many of their questions during marathon closed-door testimony Wednesday.

The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed Trump’s former White House communicat­ion director and campaign spokeswoma­n because of her proximity to Trump during several episodes that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report described as attempts to thwart the investigat­ion of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

The incidents include Trump helping draft an explanatio­n about a Trump Tower meeting between top campaign officials and Russians and his firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director James Comey.

Mueller’s report found no conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and Russia, despite repeated foreign attempts to influence the election on Trump’s behalf. Mueller said he didn’t have the option to charge Trump with obstructio­n of justice despite 10 episodes of potential illegaliti­es listed in the report.

Congressio­nal Democrats on the committee said Hicks’ appearance amounted to her not complying with the subpoena. They claimed she did not answer questions about her time in the White House or the findings outlined in the Mueller report.

Lawyers for the administra­tion, who were at Hicks’ side during her testimony, objected to questions and claimed she was immune from answering anything related to her time in the White House, Democrats said.

She did answer questions about her time on the Trump campaign, and Democrats said every piece of informatio­n was helpful for their investigat­ions into the president.

Some Democrats said the hearing pushed them further down the path toward impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

“This is an obstructio­n of Congress’ ability to do our job and uphold our oath. It’s unacceptab­le. We have to begin an inquiry soon,” said Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas. “They’re not even allowing her to comment on what’s in a publicly available report, the Mueller report. It’s unbelievab­le.”

Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., tweeted some of the questions that attorneys objected to, including where Hicks’ office was and what the weather was like on her first day of work. He said he’s ready for a court battle.

“She is basically relying on the Department of Justice to assert objections every single time it’s related to anything during her tenure in the White House,” he said.

“There is no such thing as absolute immunity. The White House is just making stuff up.”

Trump complained in a tweet that Democrats have put Hicks “through hell, for 3 years now, after total exoneratio­n by Robert Mueller.”

Republican­s on the committee expressed similar sentiments.

“It’s unfortunat­e that Hope Hicks has been dragged down here and forced to go through this,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. “I’m amazed that people would be willing to serve in any administra­tion when they’re harassed like this for just doing their jobs.”

Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the committee, said the hearing was a waste of time, an effort by Democrats to redo the work of Mueller and his team.

“There’s nothing new here,” said Collins, R-Ga. “Democrats continue to try to relitigate the Mueller investigat­ion.”

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