Your yard is messy; that’ll cost you $103,559

Steep penalty fines in Florida city leave residents aghast

- Kristine Phillips

DUNEDIN, Fla. – Kristi Allen read the letter and thought it had to be a scam.

It said she owed $92,600 in fines for overgrown vegetation and a stagnant swimming pool at a house she no longer owned. She must pay in two weeks, the letter said, and it hinted she could be sued if she didn’t. Including interest charges and other fees, her debt swelled to $103,559, about twice her yearly income.

Three months later, in late 2018, the city of Dunedin sued to collect, setting off another legal fight over how local government­s use their power to impose heavy fines on citizens. What Allen, 38, a mother of two, thought had to be a scam turned into a nightmare she said

could bankrupt her family. “I haven’t woken up from it yet,” she said.

Dunedin, a small seaside city outside Tampa, cracks down on code violations, saddling homeowners with massive fines while its revenue grows. In 51⁄2 years, the city has collected nearly $3.6 million in fines – sometimes tens of thousands at a time – for violating laws that prohibit grasses taller than 10 inches, recreation­al vehicles parked on streets at certain hours or sidings and bricks that don’t match.

The Supreme Court ruled in February that local government­s can’t impose excessive fines. The decision is among the first constraint­s by the federal government on how much money cities and states can charge people for everything from speeding to overgrown lawns. But the court did not say what should be considered excessive, leaving local government­s and residents with a question: How much is too much?

Fines are a reliable source of revenue for cash-starved cities, and they have become a big business for local government­s. States, cities and counties collected $15.3 billion in fines and forfeiture­s in 2016, according to the most recent financial records collected by the Census Bureau. That’s a 44% jump from a decade earlier.

The Supreme Court’s decision should be a warning for local government­s that trap people in a never-ending cycle of debt, said Lisa Foster, a former Justice Department official who runs the Fines and Fees Justice Center, a New Yorkbased advocacy group. But the ruling has not reined in some of the most aggressive practices, in Dunedin and elsewhere.

Dunedin officials declined to be interviewe­d but insisted through a spokesman that the fines they impose are neither excessive nor abusive. Dunedin’s code enforcemen­t policies are meant to “protect the integrity of neighborho­ods and the quality of the community,” spokesman Ron Sachs said.

City and county records show that at least 33 homeowners owed the city $20,000 or more in fines as of May.

In some cases, the fines seem to have more to do with aesthetics than public safety.

The city fined a man nearly $30,000 because of a “chronic” overgrown yard.

It fined a couple $31,000 for fixing their roof without a permit after a tree fell on it during a hurricane.

“They’re using a shotgun to kill a mouse,” said Bill Prescott, who was fined $43,000 because of an inoperativ­e car and a pile of dried leaves in his front yard and plants that grew over the street. Prescott, who lives with his wife in Tallahasse­e, said he became ill last year and couldn’t make the long drive to Dunedin to maintain his second home. Fines of $250 a day piled up without his knowledge, Prescott said.

As leaves piled up, so did fines

Allen moved to Dunedin in 2005 to be with her boyfriend, Keith, who later became her husband. She bought a bungalow-style house on the same street where he was raised. It had a swimming pool and a backyard next to a popular hiking trail, so for someone who loves swimming and the outdoors, it seemed perfect. They planted palm trees in the yard and restored the pool that had sat empty for years.

Then the financial crisis hit. Allen, a radiologic technologi­st, took a pay cut and lost her house in the wave of foreclosur­es that washed over Florida. She signed an agreement with U.S. Bank National Associatio­n allowing the foreclosur­e and moved out. She thought Dunedin was behind her.

In early 2014, three years after Allen moved out, a code inspector came to the house, which had been vacant. Brown palm fronds littered the overgrown backyard. A neighbor told the inspector that something dead may have been rotting there. The swimming pool had turned into a bright green, mosquito-infested cesspool.

City officials sent notices of the problems to Allen, who was still listed as the homeowner in county property records. Then they started fining her $100 a day. The letters mailed to Allen were returned undelivera­ble with no forwarding address. The city kept fining her anyway.

Allen said none of this should have been her problem. As far as she knew, she relinquish­ed ownership of the house when she agreed to the foreclosur­e in 2011. Her name stayed in property records because the foreclosur­e was not finalized until late 2014. By then, the city had been fining Allen for several months.

The daily fines continued for the next

“It’s almost Gestapo-like. You can have a screw in the wrong spot. It’s an easy fix, but until you get that contractor to come back out there and sign off on it, those fines are running every day.” Chad Orsatti, attorney

two years until a code inspector visited the house again and saw it had been cleaned and renovated. For much of the time the fines were accumulati­ng in 2015 and 2016, Allen no longer owned the house.

Seeking to collect, Dunedin’s city attorney mailed the demand letter to Allen – this time to her current address. She looked up the attorney’s name online and realized the letter was real.

Allen isn’t the only homeowner to accuse Dunedin of overzealou­s code enforcemen­t practices and say they were blindsided by a huge fine that accumulate­d for years. Others, such as Guillaume Picot, said they were fined daily even as they tried to fix the violations.

After a tree smashed a corner of the roof of Picot’s rental property during Hurricane Irma two years ago, he bought $300 worth of wood and other supplies at Home Depot and fixed the damage himself. The city fined him $200 a day for fixing the roof without a permit. The fines racked up while Picot scrambled to find a locally licensed roofer who would sign off on his repairs. He and his wife owe about $31,000.

“They’re not human with their decisions,” he said of Dunedin officials.

Many of the debts have swelled so much that the city can’t collect them at all. Even when Dunedin settles for a smaller amount, it is less forgiving than other cities, said Chad Orsatti, an attorney from nearby Palm Harbor who said he has settled several Dunedin code enforcemen­t cases on behalf of homeowners.

“It’s almost Gestapo-like,” Orsatti said. “You can have a screw in the wrong spot. It’s an easy fix, but until you get that contractor to come back out there and sign off on it, those fines are running every day.”

Sachs, the city spokesman, declined to comment about Allen’s case and those of other homeowners. He said fewer than 2% of the city’s code enforcemen­t disputes end up with cumulative fines, and those that do involve homeowners “who have chosen to stay in violation” and have shown “disdain, disregard and disrespect for the rule of law and their neighborho­ods.”

Sachs said code enforcemen­t is not about generating revenue for the city.

In Florida and elsewhere, unpaid fines can be attached to someone’s property through liens. That allows cities to foreclose and take the property to collect what they’re owed. In a performanc­e review from 2015, a former Dunedin code enforcemen­t officer, Michael Kepto, wrote that his goal was to “continue to be a financial asset to the city by the amounts of liens collected.”

Kepto said city officials never asked him to pursue more liens to generate revenue. He said the city was inundated with vacant properties that banks had foreclosed at the time he wrote the performanc­e review.

Dunedin expects to make a little more than $1 million this year from fines and forfeiture­s. That’s about five times as much as the city made a decade ago.

‘Deprivatio­n and punishment’

The ways in which cities levy fines have been under scrutiny since at least 2015, when Ferguson, Missouri’s law enforcemen­t became a national symbol of racial bias in policing after the shooting death of a young black man, Michael Brown, at the hands of a white police officer. The Justice Department cleared the officer of wrongdoing but published a scathing report describing the city’s municipal court system as a moneymakin­g enterprise that trapped poor and predominan­tly black residents in an endless spiral of debt and incarcerat­ion.

Hard-to-pay fines spring up seemingly everywhere as cities look for ways to punish violations and collect money without raising taxes.

Doraville, Georgia, fined one homeowner $1,000 for stacking firewood in his backyard, according to a lawsuit that accuses the city of aggressive ticketing practices. A government newsletter said in 2015 that Doraville’s court system, which collects the fines, brings in “over $3 million annually” and “contribute­s heavily to the city’s bottom line.”

Charles Thompson, executive director of the Internatio­nal Municipal Lawyers Associatio­n, said most fines, which are generally a small portion of local government­s’ revenue, are in place to correct bad behavior.

Fines in some cases have become so big that they make it impossible for people to pay, let alone fix the violations that got them in trouble, said Robert Eckard, a Tampa lawyer representi­ng another Dunedin homeowner.

“It’s like setting someone up for failure,” Eckard said. “It’s deprivatio­n and punishment for people who don’t have the income to remedy the problem.”

In February, the U.S. Supreme Court took a step to upend cities and states’ ability to decide for themselves when fines are appropriat­e.

That case started when prosecutor­s in Indiana went to court to demand that a man convicted of a minor drug charge forfeit his $42,000 Land Rover. The car was worth four times as much as the maximum possible fine for the crime, but the government’s attorneys argued that the Eighth Amendment’s prohibitio­n on excessive fines did not apply to cities and states.

The Supreme Court disagreed. It ruled unanimousl­y that the Eighth Amendment, which forbids “excessive fines,” restricts the fees state and local government­s can impose.

The Supreme Court’s decision alone will not stop municipali­ties’ aggressive practices, said Vanita Gupta, former head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division who oversaw the Ferguson investigat­ion. Instead, she said, it will take more lawsuits to flesh out the limit for what constitute­s an excessive fine.

One lawsuit was filed in May against Dunedin.

The Institute for Justice, a civil liberties group, sued the city after it fined a homeowner nearly $30,000 over an overgrown lawn. City officials, who described the homeowner as a chronic violator, also sought to foreclose on his house.

‘Look at who you’re hurting’

Last year, four days before Christmas, Allen received another letter from the city. It told her she had been sued.

“How much are they suing you for?” Allen recalled her husband asking.

“$103,” she responded, giving a shortened version of the debt she could not pay.

Their son overheard and offered to use his own savings to pay his mother’s debt.

“He’s like, ‘Oh, Mommy, I have $103. I’ll give you $103,’ ” Allen said.

The city argued that Allen should pay, even as it acknowledg­ed that her mortgage lender had taken control of the house. Dunedin’s attorneys cited a state statute saying the lien the city placed on the house where the violation occurred applies to other personal property Allen owned.

Ben Hillard, Allen’s attorney, said forcing her to pay violated her right to due process because she didn’t know the violations even existed. Liens, Hillard argued, are tied to properties, not to a person.

Allen and her husband, a garage door technician, own a house just outside Dunedin. They had planned to buy a new house and perhaps replace an old car. They had planned to save for college for their 10-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter. None of that is happening, Allen said, because the city’s lawsuit “totally crippled us.”

To defend herself, Allen has spent thousands of dollars in legal expenses; each bill has grown bigger than her monthly mortgage.

If she loses, Allen will be liable not only for the fines but also for Dunedin’s attorney fees. The city could garnish her paychecks.

“I need my paycheck to live, for my children, for my house, for my car,” Allen said.

As for the Dunedin officials, Allen said, “I know it’s not personal to them. But it’s personal to me and the other people that they are doing this to. Take a look at who you’re hurting and how you’re hurting them. Is it worth it?”

 ?? PRESTON C. MACK/USA TODAY ?? After a tree crashed into Guillaume Picot’s rental property, he fixed the damage himself. The city fined him $200 a day for fixing the roof without a permit as Picot scrambled to find a locally licensed roofer who would sign off on the repairs. He owes about $31,000.
PRESTON C. MACK/USA TODAY After a tree crashed into Guillaume Picot’s rental property, he fixed the damage himself. The city fined him $200 a day for fixing the roof without a permit as Picot scrambled to find a locally licensed roofer who would sign off on the repairs. He owes about $31,000.
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 ?? PRESTON C. MACK/USA TODAY ?? “I haven’t woken up from it yet”: Kristi Allen says she’s trapped in a nightmare of escalating penalty fines after a code inspector came to the house she’d moved from and cited leaves littering the overgrown backyard and a swimming pool that had turned green and was infested by mosquitoes.
PRESTON C. MACK/USA TODAY “I haven’t woken up from it yet”: Kristi Allen says she’s trapped in a nightmare of escalating penalty fines after a code inspector came to the house she’d moved from and cited leaves littering the overgrown backyard and a swimming pool that had turned green and was infested by mosquitoes.
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