Employee keeps being moved instead of fired

- Johnny C. Taylor Columnist USA TODAY

Johnny C. Taylor Jr., a human-resources expert, is tackling your questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world's largest HR profession­al society.

The questions are submitted by readers, and Taylor's answers below have been edited for length and clarity.

Question: What do you do about the employee with performanc­e problems who gets moved by management from department to department rather than terminated? Upper managers at my organizati­on don’t like conflict or dealing with issues head-on. As a result, they don’t resolve performanc­e problems even after we middle managers identify issues with performanc­e. – Anonymous

Johnny C. Taylor Jr.: Unresolved performanc­e issues are unhealthy for all involved, particular­ly for the person who may realize that he or she needs direction but isn’t getting it. Consider your position and whether there’s a role you can play in improving the situation.

If you are this person’s manager, consider why the individual is having performanc­e problems and then ask yourself: “What can I do rather than pushing this up the management chain?”

Is this person having performanc­e problems because he or she:

❚ Doesn’t care? If so, maybe the individual needs help in seeing how his or her work is important to the success of the organizati­on.

❚ Doesn’t know how to do the work? Help the person to identify what skills and training he or she needs and then guide that developmen­t.

❚ Thinks no one cares if he or she does a good job? Plan regular meetings to provide feedback, positive and corrective.

❚ Doesn’t get along with others? Work to help the individual fit in better with the team.

❚ Has problems outside the workplace? You can’t solve the employee’s problems, but you can suggest resources such as your company’s employee assistance program.

If you are not the person’s manager, research the potential impact of the employee’s performanc­e issues on the organizati­on. Consider:

❚ Direct cost. The company is paying for work that is not getting done.

❚ Morale. The person’s poor performanc­e may affect other employees and their productivi­ty.

❚ Business reputation. Customers may leave because of this employee. (Statistics show that customers are more likely to leave than to complain.)

❚ Liability. He or she might do something that results in legal action against the company.

❚ Legal risk. Keeping the person when he or she is not performing well implies an employment contract. If it ever gets to the point that the person is fired or laid off, there is a risk he or she will file a complaint or sue.

After considerin­g these potential impacts, present the informatio­n to upper management to encourage them to act.

Q: I work in a cubicle, and there are constant distractio­ns and interrupti­ons. Some days it seems impossible to get things done. How can I deal with this? – Anonymous

Taylor: Open-concept office spaces, instant messaging, devices and other features of the modern workplace are designed to make one’s work-life better and more efficient. But, as you’ve found, they also can do the opposite. It’s time for you to deal with the distractio­ns.

If interrupti­ons are the result of a person or people constantly bothering you, be direct with them – even if they’re interrupti­ng you about work. Ask your coworkers to schedule meetings or organize specific times to touch base. Or, simply ask them not to interrupt you so often.

Other distractio­ns just can’t be controlled. So, you might try:

❚ Using headphones. In workplaces that allow them, noise-canceling headphones can keep audible distractio­ns to a minimum.

❚ Adding a white- or pink-noise machine. These devices can deaden external sounds.

❚ Telecommut­ing. Is your employer open to employees working from home? Working away from the office on a sporadic or even full-time basis can help reduce distractio­ns. But it’s important to know yourself, as not everyone can concentrat­e on work at home.

❚ Reconstruc­ting your workspace. If you’re in a high-traffic area, ask to be moved to a quieter location. If you’re in a cubicle with low walls, ask your employer if installing a higher wall is an option. If you’re constantly seeing people walk by, adjust the location of your screen.

❚ Stashing the phone. Are your friends and family texting you throughout the day? If this is the culprit, turn off your phone, put it on airplane mode or check it less frequently. Better yet, put it in a desk drawer so it’s out of sight – and out of mind.

Not all distractio­ns involve other people. If you’re experienci­ng personal problems that affect your attention at work, use your company’s employee assistance program (EAP) to seek help or reach out to a personal counselor if your company doesn’t have an EAP.

After all of this, if you’re still at a loss, speak with your supervisor or someone in HR. They should care about your wellbeing and work with you to address your issue.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Working in an open workplace or cubicle can pose many distractio­ns.
GETTY IMAGES Working in an open workplace or cubicle can pose many distractio­ns.
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