Find and stick with your investment discipline

Do the research and trust your instincts

- Nancy Tengler

I’ve said it a million times but I will say it again. Having any investment discipline is better than having none at all.

The average individual investor follows trends. Which means they are often selling at the bottom and buying near the top. A 2010 study by Dalbar revealed that the average equity fund investor underperfo­rmed the S&P 500 by a whopping 5.31% annualized over the previous 20 years. That’s real money.

In my book “The Women’s Guide to Successful Investing,” I devote an entire chapter to developing an investment discipline that meets your risk tolerance and personalit­y biases. For example, I tend to be a late adapter – I have yet to establish a Netflix account – and I don’t like to pay up for stocks. These traits are consistent with the value investing style. Growth investors are early adapters and are proficient in the latest technologi­es and aware of the most current trends; they tend to be comfortabl­e running with the fast crowd. Value investors are more inclined to move against the crowd.

Of course, there are variations of the two discipline­s I describe, but the point is: Both discipline­s are valid. Both shine during different stages in economic cycles. And both will generate solid returns if investors remain committed to their chosen approach. Staying the course is key, yet the research shows that most investors give up right when they should consider doubling down.

When I have strayed from my own discipline, I have incurred epic losses. Here are three principles to remember:

❚ Do not take stock tips from people whose investing prowess is unknown to you – this is gambling, not investing. Over the years, I have acted on stock tips from complete strangers and interested parties yet ignored the recommenda­tion of a world-class investor known to me. Talk about zigging when you should zag. I’ve made every mistake; I’d rather you didn’t. Buy what you know and companies you’ve researched according to your discipline.

❚ Absolutely do not, ever, chase stocks you believe you should have bought and didn’t. If you missed a stock at a lower price and are distressed by watching it rise, resist the temptation to chase it. Profession­al investors understand the stock market is a tug of war between fear and greed. We want to buy from fearful sellers and sell to greedy buyers. Not the other way around.

Recency effect is the tendency to extrapolat­e the most recent trend into infinity. It keeps us from adding to holdings when markets are weak (the weakness will continue) and selling into strength (I will miss potential returns if I sell now). When the market is rising or falling, the longer it does so the greater the probabilit­y it will cease doing so (or revert to the mean), but the average investor has a hard time acting on this knowledge. When you’ve done your research, don’t capitulate.

❚ Learn to leverage your natural expertise and preferred discipline. Trust yourself.

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