Majority of voters judge Trump racist

Poll responses show split along lines of sex, race

- William Cummings

WASHINGTON – A narrow majority of Americans voters say President Donald Trump is a racist, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday.

Fifty-one percent of voters say they think Trump is a racist. Forty-five percent say they do not think so, and 5% don’t know.

Opinions break down along party lines.

Ninety-one percent of Republican­s say they do not think Trump is racist; 8% say they do. Eighty-six percent of Democrats say he is racist, and 9% do not. Among independen­t voters, 56% say Trump is racist compared with 38% who do not.

The poll reveals a divide on the question along lines of sex, race and religion. Eighty percent of blacks and 55% of Hispanics say Trump is a racist, 50% of whites say he is not.

Forty-one percent of men say he is a racist, and 55% say he is not. Fiftynine percent of women say he is, and 36% say he is not.

At 38%, white men are the least likely to say Trump is racist; 58% of that group says he isn’t. Fifty-three percent of white women say he is racist, and 44% do not.

Twenty-one percent of evangelica­l Christians say Trump is a racist; 76% say he is not. Among Catholics, 48% say he is racist, and 50% say he is not. Among those who say they are not religious, 63% say the president is a racist.

In two Quinnipiac polls in 2018, 49% of voters said Trump was a racist. The latest poll is the first time the poll found a majority saying he is.

A Fox News poll released last week found that 57% of voters said Trump doesn’t respect racial minorities, and 34% said he does. Sixtythree percent said his tweets about four minority congresswo­men “crossed the line.”

Accusation­s of racism have followed Trump for decades. July saw a spike in such accusation­s after the president told the four congresswo­men to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came” and called the majority-black city of Baltimore a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” where “no human being would want to live.”

Trump denied the accusation­s of racism Tuesday, saying, “I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world.”

The poll touches on policy and the tone of politics.

Eighty-eight percent of voters say there is a lack of civility in politics. The numbers are split fairly evenly among Democrats, Republican­s and independen­ts. Overall, 45% blame Trump for the lack of civility, and 34% blame Democrats.

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