Williamson’s spiritual politics fit Trump era

My friend is not a dingbat interloper in the 2020 race

- Kirsten Powers Kirsten Powers, a CNN news analyst, writes regularly for USA TODAY and is co-host of The Faith Angle podcast.

It turns out Marianne Williamson isn’t just some kook who levitated into the presidenti­al debates through the sheer force of love.

On Tuesday night, she wowed the crowd with well thought out exposition­s on race, the Flint water crisis, gun safety, reparation­s and the “dark psychic force of the collectivi­zed hatred” that President Donald Trump has unleashed. Political observers seemed stunned to hear the best-selling author and teacher speak eloquently on issues close to the average Democrat’s heart. They shouldn’t have been. A Google search or website visit could have disabused them of the idea that she’s a dingbat interloper in the 2020 race.

But why do research when you can snark and mock instead?

Full disclosure: Williamson is a friend, so I am well aware of her brilliant mind, well-honed worldview and deep thinking. I’ve been frustrated watching her be denigrated and caricature­d based on a profound ignorance of her experience and abilities.

Meanwhile, the random men who think they should be president and have almost no chance of winning (I’m looking at you, John Delaney, Tim Ryan and Steve Bullock) have been spared the mocking heaped upon Williamson.

A Daily Beast headline called Williamson a “dangerous wacko.” Longtime Democratic strategist Bob Shrum dismissed her as full of “woo-woo talk.” A piece deemed her “kooky” and nominated her for “secretary of Crystals.” Memes about Williamson and orbs abound, though she told an interviewe­r recently that she isn’t even sure what an orb is.

Eyes roll when she talks of creating a Department of Peace. That’s nutty to the political gatekeeper­s, but invading country after country with disastrous results is called sober-minded leadership. The front-runner for the Democratic nomination, Joe Biden, voted for a war to invade a country that had never attacked us and had nothing to do with 9/11. We will be dealing with those consequenc­es for generation­s. But Williamson is the crazy one, with her talk of harnessing love and waging peace.

Like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Williamson is delivering a hard-nosed critique of our country. She isn’t interested in nibbling around the edges because she recognizes that we are a country in a crisis that goes well beyond Trump. She has pointed out many times that America has devolved “from a democracy to a veiled aristocrac­y.” She has dinged the political establishm­ent for ignoring the political revolution that was brewing under their feet and led to Trump’s election.

She recently has come under fire for criticizin­g the overprescr­iption of antidepres­sants, but any sentient being knows that pharmaceut­ical companies are predatory. As ProPublica wrote, in 2017 pharma paid 75% of the Food and Drug Administra­tion’s scientific review budgets for branded and generic drugs. The fox is guarding the henhouse. Also, did people miss the opioid crisis?

By all means, if you have a chemical imbalance, use medication. But we should also have a broader conversati­on about the pharmaceut­ical industry and the deep structural flaws in our economic system. Maybe we feel anxious and disconnect­ed because we are all so busy “hustling” and “grinding” to survive in an immoral system skewed to favor a very few at the top.

Much of the snark directed at Williamson stems from her spiritual worldview. “I talk to Democrats all the time who are deeply involved in their religious and spiritual lives,” Williamson told me Tuesday in Detroit. She said Democratic leaders use corporatis­t, secularize­d language that makes many people of faith feel invalidate­d. “The projection onto me that I’m some kind of New Age nutcase, for no other reason than that I’m a woman who values prayer and meditation, pretty much says it all,” Williamson said. “Modern politics is stuck in this late-20th century overly secularize­d mindset that is so entrenched. In its arrogance, it points to everyone else as fringe.”

Call me crazy, but I think Williamson’s on to something.

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