Opposing view: Democrats play politics with election security

- Mike Huckabee

The Democrats are just playing games with their “election security” bill. In truth, it’s about neither elections nor security; it’s about politics.

A bill addressing the integrity of our elections passed in the Democrat-controlled House but was wisely stopped in the GOP-run Senate. The bill does nothing more than create a jumble of progress reports and powerless committee appointmen­ts.

At best, this bill is a distractio­n from the important work that our law enforcemen­t and intelligen­ce agencies are already doing to combat the inevitable attempts by foreign government­s and nonstate groups to influence American elections.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is right to reject the Democrats’ brazen attempt to use Congress to advance their political messaging. The attacks on McConnell — and the bill itself — are rooted purely in the desire to press on with the strategy Democrats concocted after their shocking defeat in the 2016 presidenti­al election: to use Russian hijinks as a means of delegitimi­zing Donald Trump’s victory.

Of course, nothing the Russians did changed the outcome of the election. Former special counsel Robert Mueller repeatedly refused to assert otherwise in his congressio­nal testimony last week.

The “election security” bill is about convincing the American people otherwise, and it will do nothing to prevent Russia, China or any other rogue actor from trying to interfere in our elections.

Its only purpose is to perpetuate and lend credence to the narrative Democrats have been pushing for three years: Trump’s 2016 election victory was illegitima­te. Voters are supposed to infer that the interferen­ce was so bad that Congress had to pass a new law.

The election security bill being pushed by the Democrats is a political response to an internatio­nal threat that the Trump administra­tion is already addressing. The Democrats’ political game will achieve nothing.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who sought the Republican presidenti­al nomination in 2016, is the host of “Huckabee” on TBN.

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