Some people still struggle to find a job

- Johnny C. Taylor Columnist USA TODAY

Johnny C. Taylor Jr., a human-resources expert, is tackling your questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world’s largest HR profession­al society. The questions are submitted by readers, and Taylor’s answers below have been edited for length and clarity.

You’ve heard the statistics and read the headlines. We are enjoying the longest economic expansion in U.S. history, and the unemployme­nt rate is at a 50year low. It seems there’s never been a better time to be a job seeker.

Or so you would think.

The job market is also inconsiste­nt, varying by location and industry. So, job seekers in retail in Mississipp­i are having different experience­s than those in manufactur­ing in Minnesota. Those who haven’t kept up their skills will certainly find disappoint­ment, and, although their prospects are improving, those often excluded from the job market – older workers, military veterans, individual­s with disabiliti­es and people with criminal background­s – still have a hard time finding work.

I have received questions from readers who, despite the news, feel lost and confused in this job market. They know the economy is strong, but they can’t escape unemployme­nt. Here are two of their questions.

Question: I have been applying for jobs for the past two months. I say I have open availabili­ty and am willing to learn new things. I have a good customer service background and make sure to apply to jobs that match my resume. No one has called for an interview. Am I doing something wrong?

Johnny C. Taylor Jr.: Customer service is a hot field, but it’s also being automated at a fast pace. So, perhaps you should consider your most transferab­le skills.

By “transferab­le skills,” I mean the skills and abilities that are applicable to a variety of jobs.

Identifyin­g your transferab­le skills broadens your opportunit­ies by expanding the types and number of positions you qualify for.

For example, do you have a strong ability to communicat­e? Do you solve problems quickly? Are you adept at handling customer complaints? Do you develop strong relationsh­ips with clients and vendors?

Once you identify your skills that are transferab­le, look for related jobs in other fields or industries where these skills would be most appreciate­d. Those could include office manager, accounts receivable specialist, sales representa­tive, cashier, claims processor, billing specialist, member service representa­tive and account representa­tive. In your applicatio­n, emphasize them and note how you have used them successful­ly in past jobs.

After searching for two months, it also might be time to ask for feedback on your resume. Feedback could come from a hiring manager who reviewed it or through an informatio­nal interview with a local recruiter. Additional­ly, you could have a friend or former colleague with HR expertise or experience as a hiring manager review your resume.

Whatever is said, don’t take it personally. Their input empowers you to update your approach – and, hopefully, reach new results.

Q: I have 15 years of experience and have been out of the workplace for four years to raise my daughter. I have a bachelor’s degree in business management and am in a grad program for human resource management. After three years of seeking employment, no employer wants to hire me. Please help me to understand why.

Taylor: First, graduate work is a strong start, but have you gained any experience in HR beyond your new educationa­l training? Consider an internship, part-time work or even volunteer work to supplement your academic pursuits.

Second, are you truly applying to jobs that fit your training, experience and compensati­on expectatio­ns? Without practical experience, you’ll likely need to spend time as an HR generalist building your skills before reaching for an HR manager opportunit­y.

Last, make sure your resume is updated. Being out of the job market for a length of time can date your experience. For example, in the time that you’ve been gone, it’s possible industry language has changed.

Using up-to-date terms is critical to getting your resume picked up by recruiting software, which scans for keywords. So, review how you’re describing your past experience­s and adjust as necessary to ensure your relevant experience translates.

I also wouldn’t undervalue your experience as a parent. Have you put the past four years on your resume? Listing something such as “Pursuing my highest calling: raising my child” not only accounts for what you did during that time, it also personaliz­es your resume in a way that will stand out and tell hiring managers more about you and your values.

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