Joint Pain Su erers Kick Up Their Heels with Maximum-Strength Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil

Legal under Federal Law, won’t get you high, completely erases joint and muscle pain sensations, deep sleep, too!


The search is over for those seeking a safe, natural way to relieve moderate to severe muscle and joint pain. This week, thanks to landmark legislatio­n passed by Congress, which makes pain-killing hemp legal in all 50 states, all Americans now have equal, unfettered access to what may be the strongest, legal pain-killer available today.

Rx-Quality, Powerful

CBD Labs of Los Angeles has announced the release of the first pharmaceut­ical-quality, cold-pressed, whole plant extract derived from highgrade, organic, non-GMO hemp. The golden oil, which has a slight minty taste, is placed by dropper under the tongue, held there for 60 seconds, and then swallowed.

Helps Swollen Joints, Muscle Spasms & Nerve Pain

Used daily, full-spectrum hemp oil can help erase pain and swelling in joints throughout the body. “On day three,” writes one user, “I am quite surprised and hopeful that what I feel in my legs is real and that it will last. The pain, tightness, and swelling I’ve had for years has just gone away. Unbelievab­le!”

Nature’s Best Pain-Killing Compound

“It’s the Cadillac of hemp-based pain medicine,” says Keith McPherson, a consultant to the industry. A recent review reveals 35 controlled studies involving more than 2,000 subjects, investigat­ing hemp’s pain-relieving powers.

Doctors Give It a Thumbs-Up

Medical organizati­ons like the World Health Organizati­on and the American Academy of Family Physicians support access to hemp and its therapeuti­c, health-improving ingredient­s. Unlike its sister plant, marijuana, which contains THC, the pesky ingredient that makes you high, the hemp plant does not contain THC and will not make users feel high.

Government Hypocrisy?

The federal government deems marijuana to be a deadly Schedule 1 drug, on par with heroin, but in October, 2003, the US government secretly patented hemp’s therapeuti­c ingredient­s (USPO #6,630,507) for its anti-epileptic, neuroprote­ctive, intra-ocular eye pressure-lowering benefits, and other aspects. The hemp revolution began 28 years ago with an accidental discovery.

A Puzzling Mystery

In 1992, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, a professor of medicinal chemistry, stumbled on an unknown protein molecule in the body. He knew it was a ligand, a unique chemical that fits inside a specific receptor — like a key in its own lock — but he had no idea what the molecule did or where to look for its elusive receptor.

Then, It Dawned on Him

He realized that he had seen this chemical before. He was sure that it was a plant chemical; manufactur­ed by certain plants, especially the cannabis and hemp plant, which produced the compound in copious amounts. He was shocked to learn that this chemical, which is made in the body, was actually a cannabinoi­d, one of nearly 100 pharmacolo­gically active, therapeuti­c compounds also produced in the hemp plant! Why was the body making its own cannabinoi­ds, wondered the doctor. Dr. Mechoulam went on to discover other cannabinoi­ds produced in the body. He also found the elusive, ‘mis- sing’ receptors, too, but he wasn’t prepared for what he discovered.

Hiding in Plain Sight: A Vast Natural Medicine Network

He was shocked to discover the EndoCannab­inoid System (ECS), a vast, body-wide network of trillions of cannabinoi­d receptors, heavily concentrat­ed in the brain, in every organ, gland, tendon, even your cartilage. It runs down the length of the spine, through your entire nervous system, to the tips of your fingers and toes. When cannabinoi­ds, whether produced by the body or from hemp, connect with their receptors, marvelous things begin to happen.

Feel Stronger, Happier, Pain-Free!

Users report feeling calmer, more at ease, blood pressure normalizes, pain subsides, sleep, digestion, and circulatio­n improves, immune powers strengthen, and people, in general, feel happier and more content. Cannabinoi­ds like those in CBD Labs’ full-spectrum hemp oil have even been found effective in reducing anxiety from public speaking!

Feel Your Joint Pain Disappear

There’s one thing that hemp does better than anything else, and that’s relieve the pain, swelling, and aching from sore joints and muscles. In fact, the cannabinoi­ds found in full-spectrum, whole plant hemp oil work so well for pain that scientists are considerin­g it as a new class of drugs for chronic pain.

Starts Working in Minutes

Cannabinoi­ds attack pain quickly, relieving swollen, sore joints by stabilizin­g distraught nerve cells to prevent excessive firing, ‘calming’ injured tissues, and dampening the release of chemicals that cause swelling. Susan K. injured her wrist playing volleyball at the beach. “It got to where I couldn’t shift gears in my car without pain. In two days after using hemp oil, the pain disappeare­d. It hasn’t come back either,” she smiled.

Back Pain Melts Away

Retired school teacher, Barbara M., age 61, began using highstreng­th hemp oil for back pain. She also received a pleasant surprise. “After a couple of days, I noticed that my back pain was melting away. I no longer had stiffness and pain from sitting too long.”

Ear-to-Ear Smile You’ll Feel So Good

She also noticed a change in how she felt. “I became more upbeat and, I hate to say it, I feel more perky now. But don’t tell my friends. I’ll never hear the end of it,” she laughs.

What’s Best: CBD Oil or… Whole Plant, Hemp Oil?

There is a lot of confusion about what’s best: a CBD oil that contains one or two cannabinoi­ds (there are hundreds of products like this), or a whole plant, full-spectrum hemp oil like that from CBD Labs, which contains ALL of the cannabinoi­ds found in hemp. “Companies that cherry-pick one or two cannabinoi­ds are missing the boat,” says McPherson. “Studies show that they just don’t work as well.” Preclinica­l data shows that multiple cannabinoi­ds are far more effective at reducing pain than a single cannabinoi­d. This is called the ‘entourage effect.’

The ‘Entourage’ Effect

University of Milan investigat­ors found that single cannabinoi­ds produce limited relief compared to full-spectrum, whole plant extracts, which are brimming with multiple cannabinoi­ds, terpenes, and flavoniods. “The only way to be sure that you’re getting exactly what you need is to use an organic, pharmaceut­ical-quality whole plant extract that offers the full-spectrum of hemp’s healing compounds,” adds McPherson. CBD Lab’s Hemp Oil Extract contains pure, whole plant, pharmaceut­ical-quality hemp oil extract, the same remarkable substance used in research studies worldwide. It’s the only source of organic, alcohol-free, pesticide-free, nonGMO, hemp oil on the market today. Call 1 (888) 420-0001 now to see how you can reserve a free supply of CBD Lab’s Hemp Oil extract. This natural compound comes with a 90-day, industry-leading satisfacti­on guarantee, so you can experience its long-term results, completely risk-free! Call 1 (888) 420-0001 for more informatio­n. The ‘free supply’ offer is limited to available inventory. Call now while supplies last.

 ??  ?? Advanced, cold-pressed extraction of pharmacolo­gically active oil from select, organic hemp plants alleviates muscle and joint pain, while promoting restful sleep, and a sense of happiness.
Advanced, cold-pressed extraction of pharmacolo­gically active oil from select, organic hemp plants alleviates muscle and joint pain, while promoting restful sleep, and a sense of happiness.
 ??  ?? Congress legalizes hemp giving citizens equal access to powerful, safe, prescripti­on-free pain relief.
Congress legalizes hemp giving citizens equal access to powerful, safe, prescripti­on-free pain relief.

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