NCAA blasts California’s athletes bill

- Chris Bumbaca and Steve Berkowitz

The NCAA responded to the California State Assembly’s passage of a bill that would allow college athletes to more easily make money off their own name, image and likeness starting Jan. 1, 2023, by sending a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday that says if the bill becomes law, it “would result in (schools) being unable to compete in NCAA competitio­ns” and would be “unconstitu­tional.”

Reference to the bill’s legality signals the NCAA’s potential willingnes­s to sue California under the commerce clause of the U.S. Constituti­on, which says that only Congress has the power to regulate commerce among states.

The letter is signed by every member of the NCAA board of governors, the associatio­n’s top policy- and rules-making group.

In an interview with USA TODAY Sports, Ohio State President Michael Drake, who chairs the board of governors, confirmed that the associatio­n would consider legal action if the bill becomes law.

“We’ve looked at this very, very carefully and it does raise constituti­onal challenges,” Drake said, “so that’s something that would be looked at … yes.”

The bill’s author, state Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, not only took issue with the NCAA’s legal analysis, she also counterpun­ched.

“Numerous legal scholars assert that SB 206 is constituti­onal and that an NCAA ban of California colleges from championsh­ip competitio­n is a clear violation of federal anti-trust law,” she said in a statement to USA TODAY Sports. “The NCAA has repeatedly lost anti-trust cases in courts ... As a result, threats are their primary weapon.”

The letter to Newsom said: “If the bill becomes law and California’s 58 NCAA schools are compelled to allow an unrestrict­ed name, image and likeness scheme, it would erase the critical distinctio­n between college and profession­al athletics and, because it gives those schools an unfair recruiting advantage, would result in them eventually being unable to compete in NCAA competitio­ns.”

The bill cleared the State Assembly by a 73-0 margin after all tallies were counted. It is expected to pass a concurrenc­e vote in the State Senate as early as Wednesday. The Senate had approved the bill 31-5, but amendments made in the Assembly required its reconsider­ation by the Senate.

Newsom will have 30 days to sign or veto the bill. If he takes no action, the bill would become law. His office has not responded to an inquiry regarding his position on the bill.

“With more than 1,100 schools and nearly 500,000 student-athletes across the nation, the rules and policies of college sports must be establishe­d through the Associatio­n’s collaborat­ive governance system,” the letter reads. “A national model of collegiate sport requires mutually agreed upon rules . ...

“We urge the state of California to reconsider this harmful and, we believe, unconstitu­tional bill and hope the state will be a constructi­ve partner in our efforts to develop a fair name, image and likeness approach for all 50 states.”

With the bill set to not take effect for three years, it would give the NCAA the opportunit­y to make changes to its name, image and likeness rules that would satisfy California lawmakers.

And Drake said: “We are just letting California know that we’re interested in continuing to work with them and we want them to continue to work with us as the associatio­n moves forward into the future.”

NCAA rules presently allow athletes to make money from their name, image or likeness, but only under a series of specific conditions, including that no reference can be made to their involvemen­t in college sports.

However, an NCAA panel is studying potential changes to those rules. The panel is scheduled to make a final report to the associatio­n’s board of governors in October. The California legislativ­e session ends Friday.

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