Republican­s failed test of character

Halloween vote presages GOP demise

- Tom Nichols Tom Nichols, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs is the author of “The Death of Expertise.”

The process of impeachmen­t has begun. The House has ordered “committees to continue their ongoing investigat­ions as part of the existing House of Representa­tives inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representa­tives to exercise its constituti­onal power to impeach Donald John Trump, president of the United States of America.”

Impeachmen­t is now virtually inevitable. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi previewed the major charge that will be laid against the president — abuse of power — when she made repeated reference to Trump’s belief that Article II of the Constituti­on allows him to do whatever he wants.

Thursday’s vote was anticlimac­tic. But it is historic in three respects:

❚ Obviously, it is leading us toward only the third attempted removal of a sitting president in the modern era. While impeachmen­t articles did not reach a floor vote in the case of Richard Nixon, Trump is, to put it mildly, unlikely to resign, so we will have the second Senate trial of a president in two decades.

❚ We have never put a president on trial for endangerin­g national security, but this will be an undercurre­nt in the abuse of power accusation against Trump. Andrew Johnson was impeached for defying the law and for being a reprehensi­ble human being. (Fervent Trump critics probably would like to impose that latter condition, but overall odiousness is not the standard for removing a president.) Nixon was forced from office for abuse of power, among other charges. Bill Clinton was in the dock for lying and obstructio­n.

❚ Trump will be charged with all of those things, and rightly so. But it should shock us, if we are still capable of shock, that he engaged in these impeachabl­e acts as a way of placing his own interests above the national interest. Johnson, Nixon and Clinton were at war with their domestic opponents. Trump weakened Ukraine, a friend at war with Russia, our worst foreign enemy. Trump did so purely because he wanted the new president of a country under siege to perform a personal service for Trump in exchange for help and military aid that was already authorized by the elected representa­tives of the United States of America.

Saving their skins

Other presidents have engaged in offenses against the Constituti­on to save their skins when caught in various kinds of wrongdoing. Trump has attacked the Constituti­on for his own gain while endangerin­g national security. This astonishin­g, almost surreal fact will itself make this impeachmen­t like no other confrontat­ion between the branches of U.S. government.

This is not only the beginning of impeachmen­t. It could be the beginning of the end of the Republican Party.

This is not because Trump will be removed. To the contrary, the Republican base — which will embrace the arguments of congressio­nal Republican­s about fairness and “Soviet-style” hearings — may decide to vote for Trump again in 2020 against all evidence and reason, as many of them did in 2016.

Rather, this is the end of the Republican Party as the representa­tive of any kind of coherent political movement. The end of the GOP as anything but a cult of personalit­y has been in the cards for some time now, as Trump has crashed through one constituti­onal barrier after another while some Republican­s defended him and others dithered, hoping to avoid the wrath of their most vocal primary voters.

Smashed standards

Trump has destroyed so many norms of American life we once took for granted that there is no space to list them all, from the denigratio­n of veterans to the adoration of dictators, from abandoning the basic dignity we expect from a chief executive to inuring us to lies so numerous that fact-checkers have been nearly defeated in their efforts to keep up.

Trashing the foundation­s of our political life, however, is not an impeachabl­e offense. Republican­s, of course, are arguing that this is nothing more than an attempt by Trump’s opponents to overturn the 2016 election, and if the only basis for impeachmen­t were that Trump is a sociopath, the GOP would be right to insist that this is a matter for the voters and the Electoral College.

Instead, Republican­s have now chosen to double down against impeachmen­t in violation of every principle the GOP once claimed to cherish.

Limited government? Trump has argued that impeachmen­t does not apply to him, and that he is beyond even being investigat­ed for wrongdoing. Republican­s agree. The party of national security? Trump cheers on the Republican­s trying to subvert closed hearings, the kind they defended when investigat­ing the Benghazi disaster — as they barge into classified facilities with unsecured electronic devices. The guardians of patriotism? Trump enablers derided a decorated combat veteran for even daring to speak the truth about Trump’s misconduct.

The House Republican­s have clearly decided to throw themselves on the pyre of Donald Trump’s burning presidency. The last act of this tragedy — and impeachmen­t, no matter how it turns out, is a national tragedy — will be when Senate Republican­s meekly acquit Trump, like terrified jurors under the glaring eye of a Mafia boss who knows their names.

There isn’t much more ground to cover between the historic Halloween vote and the final immolation of the Republican Party. The GOP will fail this test of character. What is more important is whether the American nation passes it and demands the impeachmen­t and removal of the greatest threat to the United States Constituti­on ever to come from the Oval Office.

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