Biden vs. Trump

- William Cummings

A new Fox News poll indicates former vice president would beat the president by double digits.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is still the Democrat who is most likely to defeat President Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup, according to a new poll from Fox News.

Fifty-one percent of registered voters said they would vote for Biden in that scenario and 39% said they would vote for Trump. Biden’s lead remained strong among registered independen­ts, 33%-23%, but 20% of them preferred “other” to him or Trump and 16% said they didn’t know who they would pick.

Trump trailed in almost every demographi­c except among white people, 46% of whom favored the president over Biden. Forty-four percent of white voters chose Biden.

Forty-six percent of white women went for Biden while white men supported Trump by an 11-point margin. His strongest support was among white men without a college degree. Fifty percent of them favored Trump. Thirty-seven percent picked Biden. White evangelica­ls chose Trump 68%24%.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts, who has finished second in many recent primary polls, also bested Trump in a hypothetic­al matchup, but by a more modest 46%-41% margin. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beat Trump 49%-41% and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg tied him at 41%. The poll found former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is not a candidate, with a two-point edge over Trump, 43%-41%.

Biden was the strong favorite in the primary field among likely Democratic voters at 31%. Next was Warren at 21%, followed by Sanders at 19% and Buttigieg at 7%.

The poll was conducted Oct. 27-30 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3%.

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