Too many candidates are in their 70s

Not ideal for the White House Situation Room

- Peter Funt Peter Funt is a writer and host of “Candid Camera.”

Hallelujah. In Michael Bloomberg, Democrats have just what they need: another presidenti­al candidate who was alive when Harry Truman occupied the White House. The former New York mayor and billionair­e business tycoon is 77.

Until Donald Trump’s victory, Americans had never elected a president who was 70 upon entering office. The age of the world’s most powerful person is critically important, and most voters acknowledg­e it. Yet in the 2020 campaign, it is largely ignored. Why?

The Oct. 1 heart attack suffered by 78-year-old Bernie Sanders set off a flurry of worry about aging politician­s. But just a couple of weeks later, with the Vermont senator looking robust and his usual frisky self in a three-hour debate, opinion flipped. In truth, neither Sanders’ heart incident nor his declaratio­n that “I am back!” changed anything about the physical and mental odds facing older candidates.

We tend to evaluate politician­s’ fitness based on their public image. By that measure, Sanders looks vigorous now that he’s back on the trail; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 70, bounds around the stage with pep in her steps; Trump, 73, seems tireless delivering lengthy speeches at campaign rallies; and former Vice President Joe Biden, 76, appears lean and fit.

Then again, just a few days before he was stricken in Las Vegas, Sanders seemed as healthy as ever. Trump’s tan from a bottle might help project an image of physical well-being, but his actions in office have prompted many to question his mental health. Biden has fumbled badly in campaign appearance­s, placing his cognitive faculties in doubt. Only Warren shows no outward signs of aging, but even she is at a point in life when the odds turn against you.

Science of aging is clear

It’s not surprising that Trump supporters aren’t focusing on the president’s age. With impeachmen­t proceeding­s dominating the news and the White House staff unraveling, age becomes the kind of thing the late George Carlin spoke of in his comedy weather forecast when he said: The radar is picking up Russian ICBMs, so I wouldn’t sweat the thundersho­wers.

On the Democratic side, the goal of defeating Trump is so dominant that little else seems to matter. When Pew researcher­s asked Democratic voters about age, 97% said it would be better to have a presidenti­al candidate younger than 70. Yet the Real Clear Politics polling average shows about two-thirds of Democratic primary voters supporting candidates 70 or older — Biden, Sanders and Warren.

This disconnect might be due to voters’ understand­ing that people age differentl­y. They see vibrant public servants like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 79, and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 86, and dismiss concerns about the presidenti­al field.

Yet the science of aging is clear regarding factors that affect a president’s ability to serve. As people grow older, their ability to multitask diminishes, as does their recall of new or recently learned informatio­n. One particular­ly pointed observatio­n from a paper by the noted author Dr. Diane Howieson: “Older adults tend to be slower in conceptual­izing problems and less ready to change strategies when circumstan­ces shift.” How would that work in the White House Situation Room?

Jimmy Carter’s wisdom

Former President Jimmy Carter, a marvel of clear-headedness at 95, said recently that by the time he reached 80, “I don’t believe I could undertake the duties that I experience­d when I was president. For one thing you had to be very flexible with your mind. You had to be able to go from one subject to another and concentrat­e on each one adequately and then put them all together in a comprehens­ive way.”

Among the things that do improve with age is experience, which is often quantified as “wisdom.” Biden spoke of it in the October debate: “Look, one of the reasons I’m running is because of my age and my experience. With it comes wisdom.” When Sanders was asked about his health and age, he said: “We are going to be mounting a vigorous campaign all over this country.” Same question to Warren and a similar answer: “I will out-work, out-organize and outlast anyone.”

Predictabl­e responses, none of which addressed the reality about aging that concerns Carter. How older candidates look and sound today might be a good indicator of how well they would function tomorrow or next month. But they are seeking a term that would end half a decade from now.

Some Democrats would like Biden and Sanders to pledge to only serve one term. A related suggestion is to select a significan­tly younger running mate, who could step in if needed or move to the top of the ticket after four years. How awful. The process of replacing a president is always traumatic for the nation and on the world stage. And betting that a vice president could win the next election is no sure thing.

Carter believes there should be an age limit for presidents, an idea that seems to come from wisdom gained by experience. Of course, it’s too late for that sort of thing in the 2020 campaign. But there is time, when the primarysea­son voting begins in February, to thank the older candidates for their service and turn to someone younger.

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