Thought Trump couldn’t get lower. Then he pushed to reinstate fallen Navy SEAL


I thought President Donald Trump could stoop no lower than when, during his campaign, he disparaged Sen. John McCain’s status as a prisoner of war, saying that he didn’t like troops who were captured.

I was wrong. The draft-dodger went even lower when he disrespect­ed a Gold Star family whose son gave his life for our country. You can’t get much lower than that, I thought at the time.

Well, I blew it again. While visiting troops in Iraq last year, Trump boasted about raising their pay for the first time in a decade. This, of course, was a lie.

How low can he go? Well, he most recently went to war with his own military, presiding over the firing of Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer.

They were at odds over the reinstatem­ent of Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher, who was discipline­d for taking a picture with the dead body of an ISIS fighter in a war zone.

From my experience, Navy SEALs are the baddest of the bad. They are hardcore. Most wouldn’t dishonor the uniform by doing what Gallagher did.

The current commander in chief is more intent on running America like a banana republic than the republic our Founding Fathers meant for us to be.

Trump followers applaud the president for honoring the brave men and women who serve our country.

That honor must extend to those who dare to put our Constituti­on and their military oath before the president.

Vin Morabito Scranton, Pa.

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