Judiciary panel has its own tasks

Committee will draft articles of impeachmen­t

- Christal Hayes

WASHINGTON – For weeks, the House Intelligen­ce Committee has investigat­ed President Donald Trump’s conduct with Ukraine.

The panel held hearings, called witnesses and the American public heard the lengthy story filled with accusation­s that Trump used his power as president to withhold both $400 million in military aid and a key White House meeting from Ukraine unless it moved forward with a pair of investigat­ions that were helpful for Trump politicall­y.

Now, the impeachmen­t inquiry hearings will head to the House Judiciary Committee – the panel tasked with both deciding whether Trump’s conduct is impeachabl­e and drafting articles of impeachmen­t.

The hearings will mark the next phase in the impeachmen­t effort in the House. Here’s what you can expect and how things will differ during this next chapter:

Theatrics and partisan bickering

The level of decorum that seemed to surprise members of both parties likely won’t be on display this week. While there were moments of partisan bickering throughout the process in the House Intelligen­ce Committee, things are likely to come to a head on the House Judiciary Committee.

The panel is filled with many farright leaning Republican­s and far-left leaning progressiv­es who are known for their theatrics, which in the past has turned hearings examining Trump into somewhat of a chaotic circus.

On the Democratic side, the committee boasts some of the caucus’ leading progressiv­es, including the progressiv­e caucus co-chair Pramila Jayapal, and those known for antics and theatrics, including Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.,

who once ate from a bucket of fried chicken while he sat on the dais after Attorney General Bill Barr didn’t show up for a hearing. “Chicken Barr should have shown up today and answered questions,” Cohen said at the time.

The other side of the aisle includes some of the president’s most vocal defenders, who have consistent­ly remained loyal and bashed impeachmen­t as a partisan witch hunt.

Those include Rep. Jim Jordan, who was temporaril­y moved to the House Intelligen­ce Committee before the panel started public impeachmen­t hearings and took direct aim at Democrats in his questionin­g to undermine witnesses and the claims lodged against Trump.

Jordan is likely to remain a leading voice as he was one of a number of lawmakers who heard hundreds of hours of testimony from witnesses as part of the Ukraine probe.

Others on the committee, including Reps. Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert and Andy Biggs, chair of the House Freedom Caucus, are sure to put on a show in defending

Trump as his future in the White House is debated.

Trump decides against defending himself to Congress

The Judiciary hearings offered Trump and his attorneys a chance to mount a defense in Congress, though the president has pushed back on the inquiry for weeks on Twitter and in media interviews.

But the White House told a congressio­nal committee Sunday it will not participat­e in a new hearing this week.

“This baseless and highly partisan inquiry violates all past historical precedent, basic due process rights, and fundamenta­l fairness,” White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote to Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

Trump will have another opportunit­y to inform the committee whether he or his counsel intends to participat­e in the hearings.

Nadler gave the president a Friday deadline.

Nadler also asked whether Republican­s will want to issue any subpoenas throughout this process, something that also was offered in the House Intelligen­ce portion of the inquiry.

Democrats blocked the GOP in serving subpoenas and calling several witnesses, including the whistleblo­wer who filed a complaint that helped launch this inquiry and Hunter Biden, who Trump wanted Ukraine to investigat­e.

It’s unclear whether Republican­s will try to call any witnesses through subpoena and who those individual­s might be. Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., the top Republican on the committee, has until Friday to notify Nadler over whether the Republican­s seek to issue any subponas.

Evidence meets the law, drafting articles of impeachmen­t

Democrats have said that the hearings in House Intelligen­ce outlined the evidence. This next phase in the House Judiciary will outline the law, Constituti­on and debate whether Trump committed impeachabl­e offenses.

The first hearing on Wednesday will feature Constituti­onal experts who will discuss what impeachmen­t is, what the founding fathers had in mind when they added it to the Constituti­on and the historical basis for impeachmen­t.

It’s not clear how long this phase in the House Judiciary will last, especially as Republican­s could attempt to call witnesses and the president’s counsel potential role in subsequent hearings.

But the panel will serve as the ultimate deciders in the public eye over whether articles of impeachmen­t should be drawn up against Trump.

House Democrats have been clear that if they decide to take up articles of impeachmen­t, they want to vote on it before Christmas — leaving about three weeks for hearings, drafting of one or more articles of impeachmen­t, a vote in the House Judiciary Committee on articles and a full House vote.

 ?? JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY ?? Daniel Goldman, left, director of investigat­ions for the House Intelligen­ce Committee, and Chairman Adam Schiff confer last month.
JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY Daniel Goldman, left, director of investigat­ions for the House Intelligen­ce Committee, and Chairman Adam Schiff confer last month.

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