Centrist Dems helped narrow articles

Moderates show they get results on own terms

- Christal Hayes, Ledyard King and Nicholas Wu

WASHINGTON – In a Congress driven by hard-liners, moderates prevailed Tuesday.

They helped narrow the scope of impeachmen­t against President Donald Trump by limiting the articles, or charges, of alleged misconduct only to the president’s alleged pressure campaign on Ukraine.

And shortly after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled the scaleddown impeachmen­t effort, centrist lawmakers were able to tout a bipartisan deal on a trade pact with Canada and Mexico that delivered not just a win for the president but one they’ll be able to crow about back home as well.

For moderate Democrats, especially the 31 who represent districts Trump won in 2016, Tuesday was a pretty good day: A major trade deal. A limited impeachmen­t that left progressiv­es disappoint­ed. And signs that bipartisan compromise isn’t dead – even on a day when their party was moving ahead with plans to remove the president.

Centrists won the day by being able to show they could help get things done on their terms, said Patrick Mur

ray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute in New Jersey.

“That’s what Pelosi had to be able to hand to the moderates, the ones who flipped those districts in 2018, that they could go back to their constituen­cies and say, ‘We didn’t take our eye off the ball when we dealt with impeachmen­t,’ ” he said.

Progressiv­es had pushed to expand articles of impeachmen­t to include obstructio­n of justice as spelled out by former special counsel Robert Mueller in his report on Russia’s interferen­ce with the 2016 election to benefit Trump.

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., one of the most outspoken Democrats advocating for articles to include findings from Mueller’s report, did not appear thrilled with the compromise.

“I will support the two articles of impeachmen­t (but) I would support a third, obstructio­n of justice,” he said with a sigh.

In a nod to the influence moderates had on the process, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y, said Democratic leaders wanted articles that the overwhelmi­ng majority of the caucus could support.

“The consensus was that these are the two strongest points and we should just go with them and not water anything down,” he told reporters Tuesday.

Despite winning a key concession, several moderates in Trump districts declined to take a position on impeachmen­t Tuesday.

“It would be irresponsi­ble to comment on this so quickly,” said Rep. Max Rose, a New York Democrat representi­ng a district Trump won by nearly 10 points. He had pushed to leave Mueller out of the articles of impeachmen­t. “We have to give this the level of thought and analysis and judicious considerat­ion that it is deserving of,” he said.

Some signaled they were pleased with the outcome and how Pelosi has weighed the needs of lawmakers throughout the caucus.

“I feel like she’s been managing a lot of really difficult dynamics and she’s been responsive to the caucus and to people like me, who are in front-line districts,” said Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., adding that she had yet to read the articles or make any decision.

Still, some moderates remain wary. Nearly a dozen are floating the idea of proposing a resolution to censure the president, according to Politico, believing a verbal rebuke is a more appropriat­e remedy than calling for removal.

Already, two of the chamber’s 233 Democrats – Collin Peterson of Minnesota

and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey – have made clear their opposition to impeachmen­t. And it doesn’t appear any of the chamber’s 197 Republican­s will support impeachmen­t. The lone independen­t, Justin Amash of Michigan, supports it.

Assuming Peterson and Van Drew remain opposed, Democrats could lose up to 16 other Democrats and still impeach Trump.

Moderates also scored an important victory on trade Tuesday when Pelosi announced that House Democrats and Trump reached a deal to revise a new trade deal on the United States-MexicoCana­da Agreement, or USMCA. A vote could take place by the end of the year.

Many Democrats pointed out the progress on a number of issues cut through a key Republican attack: that Democrats are too focused on impeachmen­t to get anything else done.

“I think we’ve just shown that we have the ability to not only walk and chew gum at the same time, but to run, chew gum, do cartwheels at the same time,” said Democratic Caucus Chairmain Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., listing off the deals that have come to fruition over the past several days, including the trade deal, movement on government spending bills and a massive Defense reauthoriz­ation measure.

“I think it’s a win for the country,” House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., said of the trade deal. “Believe it or not, the country is not all about Donald Trump.”

Republican­s pushed back, saying impeachmen­t slowed progress on key issues like trade and lowering prescripti­on drug prices. “How long did it take for them to do something that should have been done a long time ago because they’ve been obsessed with impeachmen­t?” said House Minority Whip

Steve Scalise, R-La.

The trade pact includes rules for the movement of products among the three countries. Among the new provisions are a requiremen­t that a higher percentage of autos be made from parts manufactur­ed in North America.

The deal is expected to add more jobs in the Midwest, including Illinois, Iowa and Michigan, where a number of Democratic lawmakers representi­ng districts Trump won will be able to show that the impeachmen­t debate is not preventing progress on issues important to constituen­ts.

Perhaps most importantl­y, moderates will be able to show that the caustic divide on impeachmen­t is not preventing Democrats from working with the administra­tion on issues important to U.S. citizens.

Asked how party leaders could work so closely on such a major initiative at the same time they were trying to remove the president, Pelosi said Democrats had won key labor and environmen­tal concession­s as well and weren’t going to cut off their nose to spite their face.

“There are some people who said ‘Why make it look like he has a victory?’ Well, we’re declaring victory for the American worker in what is in this agreement,” Pelosi told reporters. “But not any one of us is important enough for us to hold up a trade agreement that is important for American workers because of any collateral benefit that might accrue to any one of us.”

Both announceme­nts come as Congress is up against an end-of-year deadline on a number of must-pass priorities, including spending bills and defense spending.

 ?? MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA-EFE ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leads Democrats on impeachmen­t and a trade deal.
MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA-EFE House Speaker Nancy Pelosi leads Democrats on impeachmen­t and a trade deal.
 ?? ALEX BRANDON/AP ?? Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., left, and Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., discuss the constituti­onal grounds for impeachmen­t Dec. 4.
ALEX BRANDON/AP Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., left, and Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., discuss the constituti­onal grounds for impeachmen­t Dec. 4.

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