Poll shows top Dems trail Trump in Iowa

- William Cummings

President Donald Trump is leading every top 2020 Democratic candidate in Iowa, according to a WHDH 7 News/ Emerson College poll looking at hypothetic­al presidenti­al election matchups in the Hawkeye State.

The poll found Trump leading former Vice President Joe Biden among registered Iowa voters 49%-45%, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont 50%-43% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts 50%-43%. The narrowest margin was against South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, whom Trump led by one point, 46%-45%.

Those numbers indicate Trump has made gains in the state since the last Emerson poll in October that looked at hypothetic­al matchups in Iowa. That poll found Sanders narrowly ahead of Trump by two points, 51%-49%, while the president had a two-point lead over both Warren and Biden.

Trump won Iowa in 2016, defeating the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by nearly 10 percentage points. But Iowa has long been a swing state. Former President Barack Obama won it by comfortabl­e margins in both 2008 and 2012.

The poll also found opposition to Trump’s impeachmen­t growing slightly in Iowa. Half of Iowa voters said they oppose Trump’s impeachmen­t, up from 48% in October, while 38% said they support it, down from 42%.

Spencer Kimball, director of Emerson Polling said, “one potential explanatio­n for Trump’s improvemen­t in Iowa is the Democrats’ inability to make the impeachmen­t issue resonate more with voters as we saw a drop in both importance and support since October.”

Among the Democratic primary candidates, the poll found Biden leading in the race at 23%, closely followed by Sanders at 22%. Buttigieg was third at 18%, and Warren came in fourth at 12%. Warren’s result reflected a pronounced loss in support from the October poll, which found her tied with Biden for the lead at 23%.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, on the other hand, made major gains, climbing from 1% in October to 10% in the new poll. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey was the choice of 4% of Iowa caucus voters, and billionair­e Tom Steyer was at 3%. Michael Bloomberg, Tulsi Gabbard, and Andrew Yang trailed the rest of the pack at 2% each.

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