No crime and nothing impeachabl­e

- Doug Collins Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.

Americans are fair minded. They deserve the truth and can spot it when given even half a chance.

If Tuesday’s Quinnipiac poll is any indicator, many Americans recognize that the path to impeachmen­t was paved with lies. As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, DCalif., presented articles of impeachmen­t to the American electorate, more than half the country balked.

Apparently, voters understand that the articles — abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress — establish nothing impeachabl­e and allege no crime. The notion that withholdin­g foreign aid from a historical­ly corrupt country, and releasing the aid after the country’s new administra­tion enacted anti-corruption reform, represents an abuse of power has failed to enrage the taxpayers whose paychecks fund that aid.

Americans also recognize the lie that President Donald Trump has obstructed a Congress that concluded its impeachmen­t investigat­ion 20 times faster than the investigat­ion that led to the Clinton impeachmen­t.

When the executive and legislativ­e branches disagreed, Schiff refused to allow the courts to weigh in on constituti­onal questions. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., declined to call any of the witnesses requested by Republican­s, and Schiff withdrew his own subpoena for John Bolton’s deputy.

With inconvenie­nt witnesses ignored and exculpator­y evidence dismissed, House Democrats have chronicall­y worked to mislead the public.

Under Pelosi’s unilateral leadership, Schiff replaced Nadler as Democrats’ impeachmen­t Sherpa. What Schiff’s case lacked in direct evidence and eyewitness testimony, he made up for in literary license.

Americans remain unmoved in the wake of Schiff’s Ukraine report not because they are incredulou­s, but because Schiff is incorrigib­le. Schiff lied about his committee’s contact with the whistleblo­wer and about whether a statutory right to anonymity shielded the whistleblo­wer from testifying.

Schiff lied about having more than circumstan­tial evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, and the Mueller report debunked that lie. Schiff told a similar lie this Tuesday when he said the evidence for impeachmen­t was “overwhelmi­ng and unconteste­d,” ignoring the fact that all 17 Judiciary Republican­s dispute Schiff’s report.

Schiff also defended the Justice Department’s surveillan­ce of a former Trump campaign aide, even though the department’s inspector general later found 17 errors or omissions in the FBI’s warrant applicatio­ns. Democrats have been hurtling toward impeachmen­t for years, facts be damned, and Americans are right to suspect Schiff of abusing his power as chairman.

Sadly, the Schiff syndrome seems contagious. Democrats lied about the criterion for their own impeachmen­t. Their speaker promised it would be bipartisan, compelling and overwhelmi­ng. The only bipartisan stance here is opposition to the inquiry.

Since not even all of Pelosi’s caucus is willing to vote with her, we can hardly grant that her case is compelling, let alone overwhelmi­ng. Democrats told America the president is guilty of bribery, but there is no evidence to support such a charge.

The most dangerous lie told by leading Democrats, however, is that the president stands guilty until proven innocent. An extension of that lie made by multiple Democrats is that only a guilty person would resist being railroaded. When Pelosi puts the onus on the president to produce “informatio­n that demonstrat­es his innocence in all of this,” the Speaker of the People’s House is denying an American the presumptio­n of innocence.

Like the people we represent, Republican­s are fair minded. We know high crimes and misdemeano­rs when we see them, and we have not voted to advance this impeachmen­t charade.

Pelosi has championed the political impeachmen­t — divorced from facts and fairness — the Founders warned us against. She hasn’t proved anything impeachabl­e, so she’s shifting the burden of proof to the accused. That may be the most un-American lie our nation’s capital has ever witnessed.


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