‘Pieces’ comes together on the big screen

- Andrea Mandell

Sam Taylor-Johnson knows willpower. Four years ago, it powered an iron stomach through the contentiou­s making of “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Now, it’s propelling her James Frey movie into theaters.

On Friday, the director’s new film, “A Million Little Pieces,” arrives in theaters, starring her husband, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, 29, as the recovering alcoholic who found himself at the center of one of the biggest memoir publishing scandals in modern history.

Like many, Sam, 52, read Frey’s nowinfamou­s memoir when it was published in 2003, and watched studios compete to turn it into a feature film. But then came Frey’s fall from grace, as his tale was found to be peppered with falsehoods. He received a public rebuke from Oprah Winfrey, who had anointed “Pieces” in her book club, and his publisher offered refunds to offended readers. Hollywood dumped the project. But Sam still wanted it.

What compelled her to push forward with a film about Frey’s recovery? She says that after 26 years, Frey, now a novelist, is still sober ”despite everything he’s been through, from addiction to public shaming. I felt it was still a relevant and important story to tell.”

We talked to the Taylor-Johnsons (whose 23-year age difference tends to dominate headlines) about why they think it’s time to forgive James Frey.

Question: What do the holidays look like for you this year? After 10 years together (the couple met making 2009’s “Nowhere Boy”) who takes on the cooking?

Sam Taylor-Johnson: Aaron does all the cooking. He does everything. And he won’t let anyone interfere. My friends always joke about it because they try to help and he’s like, ‘What are you doing? You’re not supposed to chop tomatoes that way!’ So they’re all terrified of him when they step in the kitchen. Outside of the kitchen, (he’s a) pussycat, completely different. But in the kitchen it’s his domain.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson: I love feeding

the family. It’s the best thing.

Q: OK, let’s talk ‘Pieces,’ which also stars Billy Bob Thornton and Charlie Hunnam. Why push on with a project that was considered damaged goods?

Aaron: It was a book Sam really loved and always wanted to make into a film. We’ve been constantly trying to find something to do together.

Sam: If you knew me, when I decide to do something, not much can get in the way of it. And when the controvers­y happened, it didn’t actually diminish how I felt about the story or the book or the journey I’d read. It was almost like the DNA of the book hadn’t really shifted in my mind. And the story was ripe for still making a movie.

Q: If the scandal happened today, they’d call Frey ‘canceled.’ How do you feel about the term?

Sam: I feel pretty strongly about it, having made a movie that’s really about forgivenes­s: forgivenes­s of yourself, forgivenes­s of people around you and other people being able to forgive you in order for you to grow. If we just cancel people, where’s room for growth and change? And really, if you focus on what his crime was, there is no crime other than

he embellishe­d – like many before him have – a memoir.

Q: You debuted the movie at the Toronto Internatio­nal Film Festival in 2018, but buyers got cold feet. What was that like?

Aaron: That overrode our movie. There was a lot of backlash about James Frey – nothing about Sam as a filmmaker, nothing about any of the performanc­es you see, nothing about our adaptation – nothing! And that’s when we really discovered how the world really feels about James.

Sam: It’s been a tough time of feeling the craziness of it all. A year ago, it didn’t seem like it was going to (ever come out), there was so much against it. In that time I think the both of us took a bit of a break. Aaron built the most beautiful tree house for the kids and I learned how to make sourdough bread.

Q: Sam, was James Frey saying he’d give you free rein all the more enticing after an experience like “Fifty Shades”?

Sam: Yeah, it was. “Fifty Shades” was difficult, as I’ve talked about in the past. With a little distance and hindsight what happened was Erica – E.L. James had an incredibly powerful vision for her book as a movie and wanted that story to be told exactly as she saw it. And I, of course, had an incredibly powerful vision in the way I’d like to have told it.

When two creatives are trying to wrestle (over) the reins with polar opposite views of what to create, it’s challengin­g, to say the least. And so James, he said to me, ‘I’d just love you to take this and be creative with it. I’m there if you need me but I don’t need to be there at all. I don’t need to read anything you write. I don’t need to come to set and see what you shoot. I trust you.’ It was a gift.

Q: The relative scarcity of female filmmakers working in Hollywood remain sobering. Sam, what’s been the biggest obstacle for you?

Sam: It’s an easy answer to say every single time I’ve finished a movie and I’m looking for another one, I feel like I’m back at ground zero. I’ve got to convince everyone that I’m capable of doing a blockbuste­r and pulling in big money, as well as doing a tiny movie coming in on schedule and creating something that works. All the projects that I know are out there don’t naturally come my way. The difficult answer is, why is it so difficult to trust a fully capable creative filmmaker? I’m just so used to having to be resilient and bang on the doors consistent­ly. But it is frustratin­g. The needle on the dial is moving, but it’s not moving that much.

 ?? JEFF GROS ?? Aaron Taylor-Johnson portrays author James Frey in his battle against addiction in “A Million Little Pieces.”
JEFF GROS Aaron Taylor-Johnson portrays author James Frey in his battle against addiction in “A Million Little Pieces.”
 ?? ABC ?? Pictured in a 2006 taping of “The Oprah Winfrey Show”: Nan Talese (Frey’s editor), left, Frey and Oprah Winfrey.
ABC Pictured in a 2006 taping of “The Oprah Winfrey Show”: Nan Talese (Frey’s editor), left, Frey and Oprah Winfrey.

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