Poll: Trump, Obama tied for most admired man

- David Jackson

WASHINGTON – Another sign of how closely divided Americans are over politics: The annual Gallup poll of the nation’s most admired man is a tie between President Donald Trump and his political opposite, Barack Obama.

Trump and Obama both score 18% in the most admired poll that Gallup has conducted since 1948, well ahead of runners-up Jimmy Carter, Elon Musk and Bill Gates (2% each).

“It is Obama’s 12th time in the top spot versus the first for Trump,” Gallup reported.

Former first lady Michelle Obama retains the title of the nation’s most admired woman, Gallup said, polling 10%. Current first lady Melania Trump places second at 5%.

The presidenti­al responses fall sharply along party lines, according to the poll.

Gallup reported that 41% of Democrats name Obama the most admired man, and 45% of Republican­s go with Trump.

“Relatively few Democrats choose Trump and relatively few Republican­s pick Obama, while independen­ts’ choices are divided about equally between the two men,” the poll said.

In the poll for most admired woman, Michelle Obama (10%) and Melania Trump (5%) finish ahead of Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton and Greta Thunberg , each of whom poll at 3%.

Gallup noted that “the incumbent president has typically been Americans’ choice as the most admired man, having earned the distinctio­n in 58 of the 72 prior Gallup polls.”

Trump finished second to Obama in the most admired polls taken in 2017 and 2018, years in which his job approval ratings were lower.

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