Harassment is one pitfall of dating apps

- Erin Jensen

Sometimes swiping right can still lead to Mr./Mrs. Wrong.

According to findings from the Pew Research Center published online this month, harassment is an issue plaguing some looking for love.

“Some 37% of online dating users say someone on a dating site or app has continued to contact them after they said they weren’t interested, while 28% say they have been called an offensive name while using these platforms,” the findings state. “About 1 in 10 users (9%) also say that someone on a dating site or app has threatened to physically harm them.”

Furthermor­e, “Other negative encounters are more sexualized: 35% of users say someone on a dating site or app has sent them a sexually explicit message or image they did not ask for.”

The occurrence of incidents of continued contact, messages and pictures of a sexual nature, and threats of physical harm rises for younger women (18 to 34 years old) and those who identify as LGBTQ.

Though dating destinatio­ns such as Match Group (parent company of Tinder, Hinge, OkCupid, Match and more) and Bumble commendabl­y have “zerotolera­nce” policies when it comes to harassment, instances still can occur.

Licensed clinical profession­al counselor and dating/relationsh­ip coach Rachel Dack says regarding “anything that makes you uncomforta­ble, it’s essential to speak up and set boundaries.”

She suggests expressing “something like, ‘I don’t think we’re a match, and I don’t want to waste your time. So, I think it’s best if we move forward separately, and I wish you the best in your search.’ “

If the person persists, Dack advises reiteratin­g your desire to disconnect “more firmly, and then you can decide if you want to take more serious measures such as blocking or reporting.”

Dr. Kelly Campbell, professor of psychology at California State University, San Bernardino says police also can be a resource and advises capturing evidence of the harassment with the use of screenshot­s, by noting dates and times of incidents and what occurred.

Both Dack and Campbell acknowledg­e each situation is unique and a person should do what’s appropriat­e for them.

This writer is a self-identified avoider, for example, who immediatel­y unmatched a person who opened with “Congrats on having the perfect body to do lines off of.” Did I do myself a disservice by abstaining from communicat­ing my dissatisfa­ction?

“Everyone has to do what’s right for them,” Campbell says. “The reason I’m not gonna just let it slide is because then I’m internaliz­ing what just happened, and it’s in my body, and it’s in me, and it’s not right for that person to have had an effect on me in that way.”

“For (some) it may feel more appropriat­e to say nothing and to just block them,” she adds.”

Sometimes harassers will lash out if you try to correct their behavior. Dack sees this is confirmati­on that you “clearly did the right thing by establishi­ng this boundary and trusting your gut that something was off and this person’s behavior was not aligned with what you’re seeking in a partner and to continue to take those red flags seriously.

“And I think, at that point, it’s probably best to disengage,” she says. “As much as we want to control or teach or change people, it’s a myth or an illusion that we can.”

She suggests “while walking away knowing that you gave it your best shot” to contemplat­e interactio­ns and see if there are any lessons to be learned, “like maybe you sort of saw some warning signs from the beginning, but you kept the communicat­ion going for too long ’cause you were scared to cut it off.”

As far as tips for the best dating app experience, in addition to speaking up and disengagin­g after inappropri­ate behavior, Dack believes in limiting conversati­on to the platform “until you establish healthy rapport and you have a better sense of who you’re communicat­ing with.”

Though she acknowledg­es this can be tough, she stresses this person is, after all, “still a stranger. So you want to be really careful and deliberate about your pace. There’s no reason to give out your cellphone number the first night you talk, or your personal email.”

Dack also recommends not letting the disappoint­ing interactio­ns halt your online dating efforts.

“Even though these situations happen, and again they’re very challengin­g and uncomforta­ble, it’s not worth letting someone else (quell) your desire to find love and to utilize online dating websites.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Harassment can be a problem for online daters.
GETTY IMAGES Harassment can be a problem for online daters.
 ?? AP ?? Tinder is just one of many popular online dating sites.
AP Tinder is just one of many popular online dating sites.

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