Biden represents the best of America


No leader in history has inflicted more intense, sustained trauma on America’s values and rule of law than Donald Trump. That can finally change when Americans vote on Nov. 3, but only if Democrats unite behind the leader best equipped to defeat Trump and secure Democratic majorities in Congress.

We must embrace a candidate who can stabilize our institutio­ns, provide a positive road map for the future and soothe the nation’s trauma after four years of Trump. That candidate is former Vice President Joe Biden. It’s time for Democrats to coalesce behind Biden as our best hope for turning the page on Trump’s horrific chapter in American history.

Choosing a single candidate to endorse during this primary is difficult for me. We benefited from a deep bench of talent this year, and I think the world of the other Democratic candidates. I consider many of them to be close friends. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and Mayor Mike Bloomberg are among the brightest leaders our party, and country, have ever had. My connection to Sanders and Warren is deep — former staffers of mine are leaders in both their campaigns — and I have the utmost respect and admiration for them and the movements they’ve inspired. They have reinvigora­ted our party and been instrument­al in illustrati­ng the power of our Democratic ideals.

Even so, with the stakes for this election so high, I believe we need a stabilizin­g, deeply experience­d candidate to repair the tremendous damage Trump has wrought on our country and institutio­ns. Our candidate must appeal to the broadest coalition possible to unite the country, elect more Democrats nationwide and lead America with a positive and inclusive alternativ­e to the dark vision espoused by Trump and his sycophanti­c allies in Congress. I believe that Biden is the candidate best positioned to win the election and enact the progressiv­e policies and ideas we all care about.

Biden represents the starkest-possible contrast to Trump, in nearly every way. There is no one better to right the wrongs of the past four years than a man whose character, policy chops and experience are matched only by Trump’s correspond­ing weaknesses, incompeten­ce and unsuitabil­ity for our highest office.

Trump represents the worst in American politics. To defeat him, we need a candidate who represents the best of America. Joe Biden is the candidate who is best equipped to win and best able to lead us past Trump’s dark chapter in American history.

Harry Reid of Nevada, former Senate Democratic leader

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