Virus could devastate news media industry

Ad revenue plummets as businesses shutter

- Contributi­ng: Josh Salman

For the Portland Mercury, the early warning of impending disaster came from its sister paper in the Pacific Northwest.

The Stranger, which was distribute­d for free every other week in Seattle, was at ground zero of the first fullblown U.S. coronaviru­s outbreak. Almost overnight, the community paper’s advertisin­g business collapsed as the pandemic emptied movie theaters, music clubs, concert halls and arts venues.

“That’s when we knew we were in trouble and that we had to make moves fast. We knew it was coming to Portland,” Portland Mercury editor in chief Wm. Steven Humphrey told USA TODAY. “We took drastic measures right away to stay in business and hopefully ride it out.”

Jessica Guynn and Michael Braga

“Clearly this is going to be an extinction event for some news publishers.” Ken Doctor Industry analyst with Newsonomic­s

Nearly every advertiser that might place an ad and every spot readers might pick up a copy – bars, restaurant­s or theaters – had gone dark. The small but feisty paper, which for two decades had been distribute­d as reliably as the Oregon rain, stopped publishing its print edition. The final gut punch for Humphrey was letting go 10 of 18 staffers as the ban on public gatherings choked advertisin­g sales.

During the nation’s life-or-death struggle with the coronaviru­s, the outlook for news organizati­ons – whether legacy newspapers with robust online operations or digital-only outlets – is precarious.

Last week, in a bid to avoid layoffs, BuzzFeed said it would cut employees’ pay by as much as 25% and CEO Jonah Peretti would forgo pay during the coronaviru­s crisis.

“We don’t know how long this will last but we want to move quickly to make sure our business remains sustainabl­e,” he wrote in a memo to staff.

Staffers appeared supportive under the circumstan­ces. “Personally, I’d rather lose money than lose colleagues,” Jane Lytvynenko, senior reporter at BuzzFeed News, tweeted.

On Monday, Gannett, which owns USA TODAY and more than 250 local papers, told employees it would institute a series of immediate cost reductions, including a furlough program in its news division in April, May and June, as a result the economic pressures brought on by the pandemic. Other department­s are taking separate cost-saving measures.

CEO Paul Bascobert told employ

ees: “I will not be taking any pay until these furloughs and pay reductions have been reversed.”

McClatchy, one of the largest U.S. news publishers, is in bankruptcy. Chains like Gannett, Lee Enterprise­s and Tribune also are deeply in debt.

The pain is being felt across the industry. The Tampa Bay Times, Florida’s biggest newspaper, will deliver only twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays, starting next week – a move that should help it to offset a 50% drop in advertisin­g, according to publisher Paul Tash.

“In the last two weeks, retailers have canceled more than $1 million in advertisin­g they had already scheduled,” Tash said in a statement. “Until ad revenues recover, we must sharply reduce the costs of producing and delivering an edition in print.”

Tash said in an interview Monday that he belongs to a generation that loves to feel the printed page with his first cup of coffee. But with thousands now turning to the web for updates on the coronaviru­s, the crisis offers an opportunit­y to help readers get comfortabl­e with online version of the newspaper as well.

“This isn’t the new and permanent normal,” Tash said. “But we hope people will find it an acceptable substitute.”

When the coronaviru­s outbreak struck, the news industry was still suffering the lingering effects from the Great Recession, the unrelentin­g march of readers from print to online and the precipitou­s decline of print advertisin­g dollars flowing to newspapers.

Now, newsrooms and news markets across the country are bracing for a sudden and potentiall­y devastatin­g broadside that could shutter or significan­tly hobble publicatio­ns just as communitie­s stricken by the coronaviru­s need them most.

For newspapers in major metro markets to small-town news outlets, the extent of the pandemic’s economic toll is not yet known, but it is already drawing comparison­s to the 2008 financial crisis – only this time it could be worse, with even more dire consequenc­es for the industry, analysts say.

The response from news organizati­ons covering one of the world’s biggest news events while watching the lifeblood of their businesses drain with each store closure and each shelter-inplace order has been has been swift and painful.

Print editions have been canceled. Journalist­s have been laid off. And some papers have thrown in the towel, the preexistin­g challenges to their businesses turning the coronaviru­s into a crisis they simply don’t think they can survive.

Emergency measures are desperatel­y needed to stop the bleeding, such as tapping federal bailout money and ramping up appeals to potential subscriber­s, as Americans are glued to the news during the pandemic, according to Ken Doctor, a news industry analyst with Newsonomic­s.

Craig Aaron, president and co-CEO of Free Press, a group advocating for media transforma­tion, last week proposed doubling federal funds for public media and establishi­ng a “First Amendment Fund” in an article in the Columbia Journalism Review titled “Journalism Needs a Stimulus. Here’s What it Should Look Like.”

Steven Waldman, co-founder of Report for America, and Charles Sennott, CEO of the GroundTrut­h Project, wrote a piece, “The Coronaviru­s Is Killing Local News,” in which they called for news organizati­ons to be considered in future stimulus packages, such as placing public health ads in local media outlets.

Analysts anticipate that newspapers may shrink the size of daily editions, reduce the number of print editions or stop printing altogether. Other ideas being floated include asking foundation­s to subsidize coverage of the coronaviru­s crisis or offering employees extended unpaid time off.

Some help is coming from a major internet player. Facebook announced Monday it would give $25 million in grants to local news outlets and spend $75 million on a marketing initiative for the news industry.

Newspaper and digital outlet advertisin­g dollars for years have migrated to major internet players such as Facebook and Google.

American newspapers have lost more than 70% of their advertisin­g dollars since 2006, according to Doctor. The hit has come largely in print. Although online advertisin­g and digital subscripti­ons have grown across much of the industry, those gains have not offset the print advertisin­g losses.

In March, advertisin­g revenues will be off 10% to 25%, Doctor says. And he’s forecastin­g a 30% to 50% drop in the second quarter. And things will only get worse if stores and other businesses remain closed, layoffs continue to mount and purse strings cinch tighter.

“Clearly this is going to be an extinction event for some news publishers,” Doctor said.

The fallout from the crisis will hit publishers unevenly, but the most vulnerable will be those that have not weaned themselves off a near total dependence on advertisin­g, Doctor says.

“It is an accelerati­on of trends that we have already seen,” he says. “Those companies that are most reliant on advertisin­g as a way to operate their businesses have been in free fall for 12 years now.”

Few local and regional newspapers have attracted enough digital subscripti­ons to make up for the print subscripti­ons they’ve shed. Even when online readership shoots up during major news events, digital advertisin­g has not filled the coffers the way print ads did.

With coronaviru­s dominating every home page and headline, some advertiser­s are recoiling. They don’t want their brands appearing alongside sickness and death, even if that’s what people are obsessivel­y reading. And with many businesses shutting down as Americans hunker down in their homes, demand for advertisin­g has fallen as have advertisin­g rates.

Advertisin­g budgets are shrinking “both because advertiser­s are trying to stay away from the content and because of what’s likely to be relative weakness in the overall advertisin­g industry,” said Brian Wieser, president of business intelligen­ce for GroupM, the media buying arm of advertisin­g giant WPP Plc.

Demand for news, on the other hand, is surging. Web traffic was up about 23% at top news sites the week of March 9 from the previous week and up 31% from the week of January 6, according to Comscore, an advertisin­g and audience measuremen­t firm. Digital subscripti­ons are soaring and fewer subscriber­s are canceling as reader loyalty increases during the crisis, industry analysts say.

At the Portland Mercury, online traffic rose nearly 45% in March. Readers devoured breaking news, in-depth coverage of bleak conditions for the homeless and helpful tips such as how to make face masks for health care workers on the front lines.

Donations rolled in, too, along with notes of appreciati­on. Portland Mercury publisher Rob Thompson says nearly 1,900 readers so far have chipped in anywhere from $5 to several hundred dollars apiece.

The Portland Mercury also has had some success selling web banners, social posts and dedicated emails for restaurant­s offering take-out and delivery as well as cannabis dispensari­es offering delivery and curbside pick-up. And the community paper is taking some live events online, charging admission to a streaming cannabis film festival.

None of these small wins can make up for the massive plunge in revenue. The coronaviru­s has wiped out nearly all – some 90% – of revenue from advertisin­g, ticketing fees and events, Thompson says.

Major national newspapers with bigger audiences and more diverse revenue streams may be better positioned to ride out the turbulence, but they are not immune, analysts say. The New York

Times said on March 2 it expected total advertisin­g revenues to decline by a rate in the mid-teens in the current quarter, with digital ad revenues expected to decline 10%.

Nancy Lane, CEO of the Local Media Associatio­n, which represents a broad range of newspapers, digital publishers and broadcaste­rs, says “it’s devastatin­g given the state of industry to have this hit right now.”

Some newspapers had zero ads last week, she said. The publisher of an African-American newspaper told her it collected $330 dollars in revenue this week. She’s banking on philanthro­pic funding to help news organizati­ons hang on. Newspapers also will have a shot at a cash infusion from the $2 trillion federal stimulus package signed into law last week but any aid they can secure may come too late for some.

“If we can keep doors open through summer, I think we can come out of this,” Lane says. “Some will make it; ones that were teetering to begin with are not going to get through this.”

Joshua Benton, director of the Nieman Journalism Lab, predicts unemployme­nt in the U.S. could reach as high as 30% before the crisis subsides and newspapers could be looking at three to six months of hardship.

“This will be the event where they ask: Is this sustainabl­e?” Benton said.

Voice Media Group, which owns six alternativ­e weeklies in major metro areas from Denver to Miami, also implemente­d a 25% across the board pay cut.

The Riverfront Times in St. Louis says it laid off nearly its entire staff “with the hope that if we act now, we can rebuild and bring them back later,” the weekly paper reported on March 18. “One day, you’re a profitable newspaper, doing better every year; the next, almost all of your ad revenue is wiped out with no clear sign of when it will return.”

In New Orleans, with coronaviru­s fears just beginning to take hold during Mardi Gras celebratio­ns in late February, Judi Terzotis was quick to start planning for what southern Louisiana has become quite used to: disaster.

Terzotis, publisher at the Times Picayune/New Orleans Advocate, cut back on newsprint, furloughed 40 of 400 employees across the chain’s three daily and 16 weekly newspapers, and asked remaining employees to take a temporary 20% pay cut.

She believes these steps will get her company through the crisis, and she is cautiously optimistic that business will rebound by May or June.

Doctor isn’t as confident.

“If we return to normal life in a couple of months and sustain six weeks of damage that’s one thing,” he said. “But if it lasts three to six months, then all bets are off.”

 ?? CINDY ORD/GETTY IMAGES ?? Demand for coronaviru­s news is high but news organizati­ons’ ad revenue has dropped.
CINDY ORD/GETTY IMAGES Demand for coronaviru­s news is high but news organizati­ons’ ad revenue has dropped.

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