GOP faces battle to keep Senate

Once favorites, some Republican­s could falter

- Ledyard King and Maureen Groppe

WASHINGTON – Last fall, it seemed a good bet Republican­s would emerge from the 2020 election with control of the Senate still in their hands.

They had a six-seat advantage, a healthy economy and a Republican president whose chances of reelection were narrow but growing. And they had a decent chance to flip a couple of Democratic seats as well.

Then came the impeachmen­t of President Donald Trump, a pandemic that has killed more than 106,000 in the U.S. so far, a cratering economy, and the emergence of Joe Biden as Trump’s opponent, a nominee seen as less likely to drive away the moderate voters Democrats will need to win battlegrou­nd states.

Now Republican­s face a real battle in November, political analysts say. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, RKy., who’s up for reelection himself this fall, calls it “a challengin­g environmen­t.”

GOP incumbents in states that looked like toss-ups, including Colorado and Arizona, are trending blue. And GOP incumbents in states that seemed favorable for reelection, such as Montana, North Carolina and Maine, look increasing­ly in peril. Even red seats in Iowa, Georgia and Kansas are potentiall­y in play.

The increasing­ly blue bedroom communitie­s bracketing large cities that propelled Democrats to control of the House two years ago figure to play a central role in November as well, said Jessica Taylor of the nonpartisa­n Cook Political Report.

“2018 in the House was the story of the suburbs and this year it’s going to play in the Senate races as well,” she said.

The fortunes of GOP senators are now tied to the pandemic and how voters perceive the Trump administra­tion’s handling of it, which – so far – has not been positive overall, said David Parker, a political science professor at Montana State University.

“Overnight, people are losing their jobs and a lot of them are losing their health care ... So who do you think that advantages?” he said. “It advantages the Democrats who are the party of the Social Security-welfare-safety net-health care (and) it becomes much more clearly a referendum on performanc­e of Donald Trump and the Republican­s in general. And that all augurs well for Democrats.”

Biden as presumptiv­e nominee helps Democrats

Republican­s occupy 53 of the Senate’s 100 seats. Thirty-five seats are up for election this fall: 12 currently held by Democrats and 23 by Republican­s, including both seats in Georgia.

Democrats gain control if they keep all their seats and flip three GOP seats and capture the White House because the vice president serves as the tiebreaker on 50-50 votes. If they don’t win the White House, Democrats would need to flip four Republican seats and keep all of their seats.

The task won’t be easy. Political handicappe­rs predict Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., likely will lose in November, adding to the Democrats’ task of winning back the Senate. And though there are nearly twice as many GOP-held seats up for election in 2020 than seats held by Democrats, most of those Republican seats are in states generally favorable to the party.

Developmen­ts in specific races have hurt Republican­s

It’s not just about Trump or the coronaviru­s.

Since last summer, GOP incumbents drew top-tier Democrats in two key races.

Both former Gov. John Hickenloop­er in Colorado and Gov. Steve Bullock in Montana decided to run for the Senate after scrapping their unsuccessf­ul presidenti­al bids. Both are household names in the states where they’re running. Hickenloop­er makes Republican incumbent Cory Gardner’s already uphill chances that much more difficult. A May 6 poll shows the former governor up by 18 points.

Bullock’s entry turned a race that was considered a likely reelection bid into a toss-up. A Western States poll conducted last month has Bullock up by 7 points, just within the margin of error.

North Carolina Republican incumbent Sen. Thom Tillis also wasn’t helped when fellow Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., gave up his chairmansh­ip of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee after the FBI opened an investigat­ion into stock sales Burr made ahead of the coronaviru­s market crash.

Burr has denied any wrongdoing. But Taylor, the Cook Political Report analyst, said it’s not great optics for Tillis.

Democrats are outraising Republican­s

Republican­s should have the money advantage since most of the Senate seats on the ballot this year feature GOP incumbents and it’s usually easier for a sitting senator to raise money than it is for a challenger.

But in the first three months of the year, Democratic challenger­s significan­tly outraised the incumbent in the four states – Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and North Carolina – that the party probably needs to sweep in order to take control of the Senate. Democrats also collected more funds in six other, lesscompet­itive races.

Republican­s acknowledg­e their candidates need to step it up, particular­ly with small dollar donors that have helped fill Democratic coffers. In the meantime, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and a super PAC aligned with Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has reserved about $97 million in television air time to shore up incumbents. That includes nearly $11 million in McConnell’s home state of Kentucky, where Democrat Amy McGrath outraised McConnell in the first quarter by more than $5 million.

McConnell is not expected to lose a state that Trump should easily carry. But any money Republican­s have to spend on races like his means less help for struggling incumbents.

“It shows us they have enthusiasm and money on their side,“Taylor said of Democrats.

Shifting national dynamics

Though Trump in 2016 carried the vast majority of states with GOP Senate seats up for election this fall, the erosion of Trump’s support among suburban voters evident in the midterm election continues and polls are also showing a weakening among seniors since the pandemic began.

That could be particular­ly problemati­c in states like Arizona, North Carolina and even Georgia, where Democrats are trying to take advantage of the state’s changing demographi­cs to mount a challenge to both Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, a freshman defending her appointed seat in a special election.

In Arizona, for example, two recent polls showed Sen. Martha McSally trailing Democrat Mark Kelly badly in Maricopa County. That Republican stronghold includes substantia­l numbers of both suburban and senior voters in the greater Phoenix area.

Trump’s struggles in states he carried before also means Republican­s are having a harder time gaining traction in Michigan, one of their few chances to go on offense in a state with a Democrat-held seat up for election. Recent polls show Biden leading Trump in the Wolverine State.

“We think the presidenti­al and Senate races there are probably going to be tied pretty closely together,” said Kyle Kondik, a political analyst at the University of Virginia Center for Politics.

Deep red Alabama is the only state where handicappe­rs think Republican­s have the upper hand in trying to capture a Democratic-held seat.

Rising and falling with Trump

Republican­s like Gardner of Colorado and Tillis of North Carolina who may have tried to distance themselves from Trump early on are back in the fold. Breaking with Trump is unlikely to win over independen­t voters but will cost them with the GOP base.

Instead, they’re hoping to create their own brand. For example, in Tillis’ introducto­ry ad, which launched this month, he describes a hardscrabb­le upbringing.

“We moved seven times before I was 16, living paycheck to paycheck,” Tillis said in the ad titled “Humble.” “We will build this economy back and I’ll remember who needs it the most.”

Democrats think they can attack Republican­s for failing to hold Trump accountabl­e for his handling of the coronaviru­s, impeachmen­t and other issues. That’s particular­ly true in Maine and Colorado, the two states Trump lost in 2016 where Republican incumbents are up for reelection.

Despite the centrist, pragmatic image that Sen. Susan Collins built up in Maine over the years, her votes to acquit Trump in his impeachmen­t trial and to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh are among the issues that have put her in peril, analysts say.

“I think those are definitely going to come back against her,” said Amy Fried, head of the University of Maine’s political science department.

Although Collins’ ads tout her bipartisan Senate record, she’s lost the endorsemen­t of environmen­tal and pro-choice groups that used to help establish her moderate reputation, Fried said. Plus, after openly opposing Trump’s candidacy in 2016, Collins now won’t say if she’s voting for him this time. That makes her look “wishywashy,” rather than the independen­t, straightfo­rward voice Mainers value, Fried said.

GOP strategy

In addition to sticking with Trump, Republican­s are trying to turn the coronaviru­s focus to China while going after Democratic challenger­s.

“China is to blame for this pandemic,” McSally says in one of her ads, which echo presidenti­al campaign messaging.

Trump’s vulnerabil­ity on the coronaviru­s is complicate­d by the fact that a good portion of the electorate doesn’t know who to blame, according to Paul Bentz, senior vice president at HighGround Public Affairs.

“Democrats must be mindful that the messaging surroundin­g China is working and gaining moment,” Bentz wrote about the results of his firm’s Arizona poll that showed 29% blamed Trump, 20% blamed China and 25% didn’t blame anyone. Parker, the Montana State University political science professor, said the China argument from Republican­s has gained traction with Big Sky voters.

Republican­s also argue that their incumbents can tout what their doing to help constituen­ts get through the pandemic, such as voting for the popular legislatio­n that sent direct payments to households and boosted small businesses.

“It just may be the case that being a serious-minded, conscienti­ous, accessible, hard-working United States senator during this pandemic will be helpful to our incumbents politicall­y,” Indiana Sen. Todd Young, who heads the campaign arm of Senate Republican­s, told reporters earlier this month.

The other part of their strategy is attacking Democratic challenger­s as untested and ethically challenged. Expect attack ads to be unleashed.

Kondik, the independen­t analyst, questions whether personal attacks can break through in an environmen­t when so much else is going on with coronaviru­s and the economy, and when the election is expected to be a referendum on Trump.

“That’s the hand I think Republican­s have to play,” he said. “I just think it’s a hard road.”

Democratic strategy

Democrats are sticking with the top issue that helped them win control of the House in 2018: health care. They’re betting that the pandemic only heightens voters’ interest in the issue.

“McSally repeatedly voted to let big insurance companies deny health coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, the same people most vulnerable to coronaviru­s,” says the narrator in an Arizona ad paid for by the Democratic group Majority Forward.

Even though the Democratic presidenti­al candidates who embraced Medicare for All weren’t successful, Republican­s say the controvers­ial proposal was given new prominence that they can use to their advantage.

But Democrats think they have a much more potent weapon in the pending legal challenge that Trump supports to overturn the 2010 Affordable Care Act.

Kondik at the University of Virginia’s Center on Politics said Democrats reclaimed the momentum on health care in 2018.

“And,” he said, “I don’t think they’ve really given it back.”

Republican­s occupy 53 of the Senate’s 100 seats. Thirty-five seats are up for election this fall: 12 currently held by Democrats and 23 by Republican­s.


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 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? A battle for the Senate may take shape.
GETTY IMAGES A battle for the Senate may take shape.
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