Confederat­e statues: ‘billboards for racism’

Let’s take them down, but do it the right way

- Ken Paulson

Look around. The statues are falling. Not on their own accord, of course. Statues of Confederat­e military figures are being toppled by protesters outraged by racial injustice and the death of George Floyd, while some states and cities are removing the monuments on their own.

In recent days, the statue of Confederat­e Gen. Albert Pike was destroyed by demonstrat­ors in Washington, D.C., and protesters in Richmond, Virginia, knocked down a statue of Confederac­y President Jefferson Davis. The state of Kentucky announced it would remove its own statue of Davis from the Capitol and the city of Houston decided to remove all Confederat­e statues from its parks. In North Carolina, Gov. Roy Cooper had two monuments removed from the State Capitol in the name of public safety. Similar scenes are playing out across America.

On one side, we have Americans outraged that their communitie­s would still honor those who fought to preserve slavery during the Civil War. While supporters of the Confederat­e monuments often talk of heritage and history. President Trump has backed them with a promised executive order threatenin­g federal prosecutio­n for anyone who topples such a statue.

We must understand the significan­ce of statues

Often missing from the public debate, though, is determinin­g what these statues actually convey. Statues, like paintings and illustrati­ons, are art, protected under the First Amendment because they express ideas.

We all know the messages conveyed by the Statue of Liberty, Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall and Lincoln Memorial. So, what messages do these celebratio­ns of the Confederat­e Army convey? It depends in part on when they were built.

Constructi­on of the first Confederat­e memorial began in 1866, one year after the Civil War ended. The message would have been pretty clear, mourning the loss of fathers, sons and brothers in the Civil War.

But what do we make of the boom in Confederat­e monuments 25 to 35 years later, when legislatur­es throughout the South passed Jim Crow laws to limit the rights of Black Americans? Or, the spike in Confederat­e statues during the height of the civil rights movement in the ’50s and ’60s?

These weren’t cyclical flowerings of nostalgia for the Confederac­y. These were endorsemen­ts of a time and culture in which Blacks were enslaved.

In the Southern Poverty Law Center’s view, “the argument that the Confederat­e flag and other displays represent ‘heritage, not hate’ ignores the near-universal heritage of African Americans whose ancestors were enslaved by the millions in the South. It trivialize­s their pain, their history and their concerns about racism — whether it’s the racism of the past or that of today.”

Too often we view statues as permanent, perhaps influenced by the size and weight of these commemorat­ive objects. They stay, sometimes due to inertia, long after the initial decision to erect them.

A change in thought should also be a change in commemorat­ion

Monuments around the world come down when regimes change. You may recall the toppling of Saddam Hussein statutes in Iraq in 2003.

Why shouldn’t statues come down when a society’s values change?

You might even say that removing monuments like these are part of a great American tradition.

Why do protesters want these Confederat­e statues taken down? For one, they honor men who went to war against the United States. They also represent subjugatio­n of an entire people and the failure to protect the rights of all.

In 1776, days after America declared its independen­ce from what it saw as an oppressive regime, the rebels of New York quickly toppled the statue of King George III.

At war with the United States? Check. Subjugatin­g a population? Yes. Failing to recognize God-given rights? Absolutely.

Those who toppled the king’s statue had their own message. The world had changed forever.

That said, the real test of America’s values today is whether we can muster the political will to remove these offensive statutes through a peaceful process. Real change doesn’t come from the brute force of knocking down a statue. There are a lot of people who should be heard from before a community — and not a handful of protesters — decides that George Washington or Ulysses S. Grant aren’t worthy of our respect because they owned slaves.

When legislator­s and government bodies refuse to remove monuments to rebel soldiers, they pretend it’s an object or decoration that simply reflects the past. They’re not acknowledg­ing that these were in fact billboards for racism in the 20th century.

By keeping those monuments up in 2020 despite the pain it clearly causes many Americans, those in power are reinforcin­g the inherent messages of those statues. Let’s not kid ourselves about what was being said.

Ken Paulson is the director of the Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University, a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs and a former editor of USA TODAY. WANT TO COMMENT? Have Your Say at, @usatodayop­inion on Twitter and­inion. Comments are edited for length and clarity. Content submitted to USA TODAY may appear in print, digital or other forms. For letters, include name, address and phone number. Letters may be mailed to 7950 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA, 22108.

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