● The night John Lewis showed up at the door bloodied, beaten.

- Brad Harper Montgomery Advertiser USA TODAY Network

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Valda Harris Montgomery was 13 when John Lewis showed up in the wee hours of the morning at her parents’ house, beaten, bloodied, exhausted and looking for refuge from a white mob. Her parents opened the door to their home.

She remembers Lewis and other Freedom Riders walking through the hallway and collapsing in the kitchen. She didn’t know why they were there or that they had been attacked when they arrived in the city while trying to integrate the interstate bus system or that a crowd had pinned them down overnight in a nearby church until federal troops arrived.

But she wasn’t surprised to see them. “This was such a normalcy,” Montgomery said about that night in 1961. “This was our normal way of life, so it was not a surprise that people were in the house.”

Her father, drugstore owner Richard Harris, was a former Tuskegee Airman who had organized rides during the Montgomery bus boycott, helping to get people to and from work. Martin Luther King Jr. lived a few doors down for most of her childhood.

Montgomery remembers her father swearing his kids to secrecy as the Freedom Riders met in upstairs rooms

to plan their next move. “It was just, ‘You don’t tell anybody where they are.’ You didn’t ask any questions,” she said.

Lewis and the other Freedom Riders left a few days later and got back on the bus, headed for the next stop.

Montgomery said she didn’t realize the enormity of what happened in her house until decades later.

It was the same with King, whom she thought of as “good old Rev. King from down the street.” She remembers opening the door to King’s house one day and being surprised to see him in bandages – she learned years later that he had been stabbed during a book signing. At the time, he urged her to give him a hug anyway.

She was in Washington for the unveiling of his monument and was shocked when she saw it. “I didn’t see this man,” she said, crossing her arms. “I saw the man in the doorway.”

Montgomery’s father died in the 1970s. Lewis kept coming back through the years to visit with her mother, Vera Harris, and thank her. Lewis took congressio­nal leaders into the rooms where the Freedom Riders met and pointed at the spot where he sat. He helped dedicate a historical marker in front of the home in 2006 and spoke about how courageous the family was to open the door. It was the first time Montgomery realized the gravity of those days.

Vera Harris sat on her front porch telling stories of the neighbors and friends she knew over the years until she died at 96 last year.

Sunday, Montgomery sat in that porch swing and told stories of the past as crowds lined up to say goodbye to Lewis at the Alabama Capitol building a few blocks away.

“To watch the events of today is a little surreal,” she said. “To see how a population of people could hate you so much that they would beat you almost to death, and not just on one occasion, and then to see the people gather from Selma and Montgomery and in motorcades to pay homage to him and his life, it’s so rewarding to see.

“I think my mom would probably say he was due this.”

 ?? USA TODAY NETWORK ?? Valda Montgomery and her mother Vera Harris sit on the front porch of their family home in Montgomery, Ala.
USA TODAY NETWORK Valda Montgomery and her mother Vera Harris sit on the front porch of their family home in Montgomery, Ala.

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