COVID-19 ‘long haulers’ fight to breathe, sleep

Growing number in US can’t shake symptoms

- Jayne O’Donnell and Khrysgiana Pineda

It’s not all in their minds. An unknown but growing number of the 4 million U.S. COVID-19 patients say they can’t shake symptoms ranging from fatigue to serious respirator­y or neurologic­al problems, often for months after diagnosis. The ailments are all the more challengin­g because patients say they often face skeptical families, friends, employers and even doctors.

Research is limited on these socalled “long haulers.” New York City’s Mount Sinai hospital appears to have the first post-COVID treatment center in the U.S.

A study of 143 patients in Italy out this month in JAMA Network found 87% of patients who had recovered from COVID-19 reported at least one lingering symptom, notably fatigue and trouble breathing.

Natalie Lambert, an Indiana University associate research professor, analyzed at least 1,100 responses to a poll about post-COVID-19 symptoms in the 81,000-member Survivor Corps Facebook group.

More than half of the patients reported at least one of six symptoms, including the now-common fatigue and breathing problems.

The list also includes two – inability to exercise or be active and difficulty concentrat­ing – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hasn’t yet cited in its list of COVID-19 symptoms.

Karyn Bishof appears to have most of them.

On Saturday, the Boca Raton, Florida, resident hit Day 133 of suffering from a staggering list of symptoms that includes: cough, chronic fatigue, memory issues, vision impairment, chest heaviness, drastic heart rate and oxygen changes, sore throat, hair loss, heart palpitatio­ns, reflux, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, rapid hot flashes, joint paint, full-body itchiness, tremors, mild fever, dry mouth, excessive thirst, overheatin­g with no fever, rash, sleep apnea, chest pain and tinnitus.

She started her own poll in the Survivor Corps group in June to see how many other so-called COVID-19 “long haulers” there were. More than 1,500 people said they, too, were still suffering and more than half said the symptoms lasted more than three months.

Diana Berrent, who created Survivors Corps in March while isolating at home with COVID-19, estimates more than half of the Facebook group members who no longer test positive still experience COVID-19 symptoms.

Lambert said patients face even more skepticism with symptoms affecting the brain. Those include problems with memory, sleeping, irritabili­ty, or sadness. Patients said their doctors often attribute sleeping problems to stress.

More than 40% of respondent­s in Bishof ’s poll reported their doctors hadn’t listened to or believed them.

Dr. Maja Artandi is not one of them. “We definitely see prolonged symptoms, sometimes a lingering cough and the most serious cases have long term chest pains and still feel they can’t breathe well,” said Artandi, medical director of an outpatient COVID-19 clinic at Stanford University hospital. “It just causes all kinds of inflammati­on and takes a while to heal.”

Dr. George Abraham, chief of the department of medicine at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Massachuse­tts, said the body’s response to the virus’s lingering inflammati­on will dictate how long it takes to resolve.

Where the virus binds can influence later organ damage and inflammati­on. The degree of injury may depend on which organs already are compromise­d or factors still not understood, said Dr. Mahesh Madhavan, a fellow in the cardiology division at Columbia University Medical Center.

Patients with preexistin­g cardiac diseases, diabetes, or coronary artery disease are almost always at higher risk, he added.

The lungs can nearly “drown in secretions” during the infection, which make them stiff. It can take a long time for them to “start expanding and relaxing” again, said Abraham.

And just how long any of this takes is one of the coronaviru­s’s biggest unknowns.

“It’s only been about six months that COVID’s been in the U.S. so the term ‘long term’ is relatively relative,” Madhavan said.

‘We have no idea if or when this will ever end’

Bishof, 30, first had COVID-19 symptoms March 15, tested positive for coronaviru­s March 23 and negative in May and June with positive antibodies. But the effects show no sign of abating.

“The damage COVID has caused is just continuing to spiral and I am afraid for my life,” Bishof said. “I am afraid that there will not be resources for long haulers for a long time.”

“Two days ago I passed out, was out for a few hours and when I woke up, my oxygen level was at 83,” said Bishof. (Less than 90 is considered low, requiring additional oxygen.)

Bishof, a firefighte­r and single mother, played soccer with her 11-year-old son and worked out five or six days a week before she tested positive for the virus. Now, she said she can’t walk more than a block or two without taking days to just recover. She worries the damage to her lungs could keep her from continuing as a firefighte­r.

“I can’t get help,” Bishof said. “So many people are not believed by their doctors or are blatantly being told they have no idea how to treat them.”

Like many long haulers, Bishof also wonders about contagion.

“They say with no fever or symptoms for x amount of days you are no longer contagious, but what about us long haulers who constantly have symptoms or waves of flare-ups?” Bishof said. “We have no idea if or when this will ever end.”

‘This could last anywhere from six months to a year’

Kimberly Campbell, 39, of Pembroke Pines, Florida, has suffered from COVID-19 symptoms for five months. The mom of four started showing typical signs of the viral infection March 1 and was presumed positive for COVID-19 in mid-April when she tested negative for all other possible health complicati­ons.

“Doctors have told me this could last anywhere from six months to a year,” she said.

Campbell’s children and husband showed signs of the virus early on when they developed coughs and intense fatigue. While her family recovered, Campbell continued to suffer from symptoms including a sore throat, constant headaches, pins and needles sensations, rapid heart rate, joint and body pain, temporary loss of vision and shortness of breath.

Campbell has slept on an ice pack for four months ever since her “COVID headaches” started. On June 7 she woke up with a “blotch” in her right eye and every 30 minutes, her vision worsened until she received antiviral medication and steroids for both eyes.

“I thought I was losing my vision,” Campbell said. “I have four little ones and to wake up and not be able to see is just earth-shattering.”

Campbell tested negative for the coronaviru­s June 18.

“Doctors said at this late stage, some people are testing positive again and some are testing negative,” Campbell said. Although the virus is no longer active, some of her doctors believe she could be experienci­ng long-term effects. She was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome after months of battling the virus.

Eight specialist­s couldn’t come up with a conclusion about her case, so Campbell turned to Facebook, found a COVID-19 group and a page called “long haulers.”

“I typed in some of my symptoms at the top of my search bar and hundreds of stories like mine came up,” she said. “I cried for two hours after that.”

‘I realized how much I wanted to live’

Ryan Head, 44, of Englewood, Colorado, had shortness of breath and fatigue symptoms that started March 15. He tested positive April 3 and the breathing problems became more intermitte­nt. Head believed he was getting better when his lungs would clear up for a few days, until flaring up again for several days later.

“I’ve had days where I’ve felt great and had a ton of energy,” Head said. “But I’ve also had days where I’m in bed the entire day.”

Doctor’s responses were varied, he said. Some physicians were receptive and concerned, while others sent him home with little advice to offer after testing.

“What I feel is missing is doctors really wanting to find out what is actually going on,” Head said, “I understand this is all new for everybody. Hopefully, through spreading awareness as more people become long haulers, doctors will be more ready to help them.”

Head said he hopes people will start taking coronaviru­s more seriously.

“It’s not as simple as either having the flu for a couple weeks or being high risk and dying,” he said. “There’s so much about this virus that we don’t understand and there are people living with long term effects that we are just now learning about. Wear masks, social distance and just look out for each other.”

‘I felt odd because I wasn’t getting better’

Diane Matikowski, 61, is a school nurse from Wallingfor­d, Connecticu­t, who volunteere­d at a rehabilita­tion facility after her school closed during the shut down.

She felt it was her duty as a nurse to help where she could but she was exposed to coronaviru­s by a patient at the rehab on March 30. A day later, she started showing symptoms and she tested positive on April 3.

“I knew I had it because I was exposed to a patient that had it and nurses weren’t told to wear masks back then,” Matikowski said. “My temperatur­e was 100.6 and my doctor wouldn’t send me for a test. So, there was a lot of feeling not validated. But I think doctors were frustrated too because they didn’t know how enough about the coronaviru­s.”

Matikowski said she was exhausted for more than three months. Her symptoms also included sore throat, loss of smell and taste, leg cramps and twitches, fevers, a rash, hair loss and memory issues.

“I would be watching something on TV and couldn’t remember what happened in the last scene,” she said.

After about 80 days, depression and anxiety set in. Matikowski was retested on June 8 and received another positive result.

“Before finding the long hauler Facebook group, I thought I was a freak,” Matikowski said. “I felt like people didn’t believe me and I felt odd because I wasn’t getting better. I just didn’t know there were other people like me.”’

Matikowski tested negative for COVID-19 July 10 and was briefly ecstatic. Her relief was short-lived, however, when she realized she still felt sick.

Now, she said, “I’m fearful.”

‘I try to focus on: what can I do to help myself?’

Joel Hough, 56, of Manassas, Virginia, is an active outdoors man who used to enjoy biking, sailing and flying his glider plane. Now, he misses all of that. Since his symptoms started April 29, he’s traded his three-hour bike rides for 30-minute walks five days a week on flat ground. Overexerti­on causes a sore throat and sometimes a fever.

He tested positive May 3.

“I think the act of walking, swinging arms, the gentle impact on the pavement is more helpful,” Hough said.

His symptoms began with a 100.7 fever, irregular heart rate, chills, headaches, a sore throat and a cough.

“The toughest thing for me is going to a doctor and being told there’s nothing they can do,” Hough said. “I didn’t get any instructio­ns really on what to do with myself besides go home, hope for the best.”

Hough uses his CPAP breathing machine, takes multivitam­ins, practices breathing, uses a humidifier and does low-level exercise to feel better.

“Coronaviru­s support groups have enlightene­d me,” Hough said. “The doctor rolls their eyes when you say you’re in a support group, but doctors tell me nothing. Too many of them are overburden­ed and just don’t know enough.”

‘Some days feel like I don’t have one ounce of energy left in my body’

Firefighte­r Kimberly Talmadge, 53, of Hamden, Connecticu­t, has been sick with symptoms since April 3, reporting exhaustion, shortness of breath and sleep apnea. She and her husband were exposed working at the fire department.

“We were both sick within a week of exposure,” Talmadge said.

The couple reported most of the usual symptoms including fever, cough, dehydratio­n, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and a lost sense of smell and taste. Talmadge lost 15 pounds and is still losing her hair at “an alarming rate.”

After a few weeks, the couple started feeling better. Talmadge’s husband tested positive although he felt well enough to return to work, and the following weekend Talmadge was sick again. They thought living together might be keeping them sick, so she moved to college housing the fire department arranged. Two weeks later her husband got a negative result but it was another month before she did.

She continues to have shortness of breath and intense fatigue.

“Some days feel like I don’t have one ounce of energy left in my body,” Talmage said. “This is my 20th year on the job and I’m not sure if I’m going to make it back.”

‘This is not how they said COVID would be’

Lisa O’Brien, 42, of Roy, Utah, is on day 137 of suffering from COVID-19.

It’s “not how they said COVID would be,” O’Brien said.

Her symptoms began on March 11. She never had a fever, but along with lots of shortness of breath she now has arthritic pain, lung clots, vascular issues, internal tremors or buzzing, electrical zaps, sleep deprivatio­n, phantom smells, nausea, loss of appetite and body aches.

“I contemplat­ed sleeping in my car in the parking lot of the ER,” O’Brien said. “I just feel so unsafe in my body.”

Major brain fog came on Week 14, along with light headedness, varying blood pressure and heart rate fluctuatio­ns from 30 to 209 without activity. “I’m not sure which one is more terrifying,” O’Brien said. “The spikes are getting higher and higher every week and they wake me up throughout the night every night, sometimes many times.”

Doctors from Mount Sinai tell her they’ve seen many coronaviru­s patients like her, but they’re unable to say why the lingering symptoms only affect some people.

“There’s no common factor among us,” O’Brien said. “And they can’t tell me if or when it will end.”

‘We can do this’

Rose Dougherty, 56, of Daytona Beach, Florida, has been sick for 132 days after testing positive for COVID-19 on April 3. Her symptoms began on March 16. She’s had difficulty breathing, chest pain, a sore throat, loss of taste and smell, fatigue, burning eyes, loss of appetite, gastrointe­stinal symptoms, chills and brain fog.

“This virus has impacted my life in many ways,” Dougherty said. “I would say the most prominent impact is my family. I have not been able to spend time with my grand kids like I was prior to the virus.”

Dougherty used to love the beach, kayaking, going to the movies, shopping and playing at home with her 6year-old granddaugh­ter.

Being a long hauler with no end in sight is taking a toll on Dougherty’s mental health. Yoga is usually her way of staying grounded. Lately, she has been unable to perform at the level she was before COVID-19 and even struggles taking a walk.

“My mind asks, ‘Am I ever going to physically be able to do these things again?’”

Doctors and other health profession­als have offered their time and expertise freely, which Dougherty described as a “true gift.” The long hauler community also has been supportive.

“I am getting to know the most wonderful, caring, supportive people in this country,” Dougherty said. “This has helped tremendous­ly knowing I am not alone, I am not crazy and we can do this.”

“I am afraid that there will not be resources for long haulers for a long time.”

Karyn Bishof of Boca Raton, Florida

 ?? ROBYN BECK/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? People are tested for coronaviru­s antibodies at an antibody rapid serologica­l testing site Sunday in San Dimas, Calif.
ROBYN BECK/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES People are tested for coronaviru­s antibodies at an antibody rapid serologica­l testing site Sunday in San Dimas, Calif.
 ?? JOEL HOUGH ?? Joel Hough
 ?? RYAN HEAD ?? Ryan Head
 ?? KIMBERLY CAMPBELL ?? Kimberly Campbell
 ?? ROSE DOUGHERTY ?? Rose Dougherty
 ?? KARYN BISHOF ?? Karyn Bishof
 ?? DIANE MATIKOWSKI ?? Diane Matikowski

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