‘ The Lost Shtetl’ is a stirring mix of history and prejudice

Author Max Gross’ debut novel is a serious story of identity told with wit and romance.

- Mark Athitakis

Kreskol, the setting for Max Gross’ witty and sagacious debut novel, “The Lost Shtetl” (HarperVia, 416 pp., ★★★☆), has been forgotten by history. That’s mostly a blessing: The Jewish hamlet, tucked in a Polish forest, was neglected by the Nazis during World War II, sparing its residents the “infinite death” of the Holocaust.

But as the novel opens, the present has come crashing in on Kreskol, noisy and terrifying – and bearing some of the anti-Semitism it was spared generation­s before.

The trigger is Pesha, a young woman trapped in an abusive marriage. She’s done the unthinkabl­e, leaving not only her husband but the town, “a decision not dissimilar to suicide,” as the novel’s unnamed narrator puts it.

Sent to retrieve her is Yankel, an awkward young man who is the town’s disposable pariah. If he’s turned into a wolf by a witch in the nearby forest, as legend suggests is likely, it’s no great loss. But soon he’s returned, not with Pesha, but with bureaucrat­s and journalist­s via helicopter. The shtetl is no longer a secret, and the narrator thinks for a moment that the “iron chariot” means “the Messiah was flying into Kreskol!”

Alas, no. But the setup, and the confusions it engenders, allows Gross to tell a story about history and prejudice that can be both droll and somber. Yankel’s journey into Warsaw often resembles an ’80s fish-out-of-water movie or TV show, as he struggles to get his head around modern, or even post-World War II life. He loves Ray Charles’ “Mess Around” because it reminds him of a klezmer tune. But the Holocaust is a little harder for him to believe. “Just how dumb do you guys think I am?” he asks his observers.

There’s also a romantic touch to the story, as Yankel’s and Pesha’s fates intertwine in the city. But the atmosphere is darker back in Kreskol. Locals are encouraged to get on the grid, installing roads, electricit­y, a post office and more. The novel drags when Gross gets deep into the economic particular­s of the transforma­tion. But he’s attuned to the existentia­l crisis the town is thrust into. As one of the Kreskol’s rabbis puts it: “Can we say no to everything you’re offering?”

Because saying yes means inviting in more than just sewers and power lines. It means tourists, observers, and some of the old slurs and suspicions that have stalked Jews.

The persistenc­e of anti-Semitism after the Holocaust has been an enduring theme for American writers, from Bernard Malamud and Philip Roth to more contempora­ry writers like Michael Chabon, Shalom Auslander and Steve Stern.

Gross earns a spot in that company because he grasps that the subject remains urgent: Kreskol exemplifie­s how time and distance sow doubt about atrocity. People want to know about a place that escaped a slaughter, which frees Gross to write a fine and often funny speculativ­e novel. But he knows people are less eager to confront the roots of that slaughter, which makes “The Lost Shtetl” a potent cautionary tale as well.

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Author Max Gross

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