Top lifestyle and wellness trends to expect in 2021

Adult trampoline­s, “slow” travel, “friluftsli­v” – pandemic still influencin­g what’s hot.

- Sara M Moniuszko

With the coronaviru­s pandemic shaping our entire world in 2020, it’s no surprise that we’ll see its influence extend into 2021 lifestyle and wellness trends. h “I think the pandemic will continue to drive trends for at least another 18 months. Even with the vaccine,” Jane Buckingham, founder and CEO of trend forecastin­g and consulting company Trendera, told USA TODAY. h So what can we expect to see in 2021? Picture a rise in health-tracking wearables, feel-good phone apps and an increased focus on work-life balance and eco-friendly products. Plus, experts predict you’ll hear much more about the Norwegian concept of friluftsli­v. But more on that later. h Here are some of the top trends you can expect to see in 2021:

Comfort crafting

In terms of mental wellness and self-care, Dayna Isom Johnson, Etsy’s trend expert, says “little luxuries” and “wellness-focused rituals” are going to be popular. This includes things as simple as reinvigora­ted fitness routines and long baths. Another trend that Johnson predicts will “really stick out” is comfort crafting.

“It’s really a time to craft, to learn a new skill and it can certainly serve as a form of self-care and grounding,” she says.

Meditation, therapy via phone

Buckingham predicts we’ll see more focus on self-health monitoring with the help of wearables such as the Apple Watch and Fitbit to track and motivate movement, temperatur­e and hormones and enzymes. She also predicts there will be an increase in meditation and therapy apps like Calm that can help relieve stress.

Friluftsli­v and outdoor bliss

You may remember the buzzword “hygge” from trends of years past, the Scandinavi­an practice of coziness, but Johnson predicts a Norwe

gian concept will be in full swing for 2021 called friluftsli­v (pronounced free-loofts-liv). Friluftsli­v, which translates to English as “free air life,” is an appreciati­on of being outdoors and incorporat­ing outdoor activities into your life.

“It’s really putting nature at the forefront of everything that you’re doing in your life,” Johnson says. “In 2020 I think it was the first time a lot of us really gave a sense of more appreciati­on and connection to the outdoors, and so I think for 2021 that sensibilit­y is just going to continue to increase.”

Buckingham notes an increased interest in the outdoors making its way into people’s homes, with “more outdoors incorporat­ed indoors” with things like plants and other natural materials.

Trampoline­s for adults

Buckingham says there will be increased interest in stationary fitness tools such as the Peloton and trampoline­s. Though trampoline­s may feel like a throwback to childhood, the up-and-coming trampoline workouts use smaller, in-home devices. Jumping on trampoline­s burns more calories than jogging,

according to a NASA study. The technique already is a favorite for celebritie­s such as Eva Longoria and Goldie Hawn, who posted her bounce workout while listening to Dua Lipa on Instagram.

Wearable weights and workout accessorie­s such as Bala Bangles also will be on the rise because they make “working out easier without taking up room,” Buckingham says.

‘Slow’ travel

Buckingham also sees the outdoors being part of an increased interest in slow travel, which focuses on providing an escape and getting to know a place in an authentic way. “It also has to do with, when you reach a destinatio­n, choosing fewer things that are adrenaline-inducing – like instead of going to an amusement park or jumping out of an airplane, picking a destinatio­n that is more enriching for your mind and mental health,” she says. “So a lot more being in nature, practicing being present and savoring the little wonders of the world.”

Chicory root coffee

Melissa Rifkin, a registered dietitian and nutrition influencer based in New

York, predicts an increased interest in chicory root as a coffee alternativ­e as part of a larger trend surroundin­g gut health.

“It definitely has fiber and lots of antioxidan­ts, so I think that’s also gaining a lot of momentum,” she says. “It also has prebiotic fiber that leaves bacteria in your GI tract, so that’s beneficial to reduce inflammati­on and improve mineral absorption.”

Triniti Gawthrop, founder of Ami Wellness, a plant-based supplement company focused on women’s wellness challenges, says she’s seeing “more and more people looking at preventati­ve care,” including making connection­s to gut health for immunity.

Eco-friendly menstrual care

Cherie Hoeger, CEO and co-founder of period care company Saalt, predicts 2021 will see a demand for environmen­tally conscious menstrual products.

“Especially during this pandemic situation, a lot of people have more awareness around disposable­s and how fragile our supply chain is,” she says.

Hoeger says her company saw a 60% increase in sales since March compared with a year earlier.

Mushroom adaptogens

In addition to sustainabl­e products, demand for plant-based options is increasing as vegan and plant-based lifestyles continue to rise.

Rifkin says she sees people are “leaning more towards a wholesome approach to getting their caffeine and focus,” such as coffee and protein bar alternativ­es that include mushroom adaptogens, powdered superfoods that can “help reduce stress, improve mental clarity and give more energy.”

“I think that plant-based you’re seeing everywhere,” Gawthrop adds. “We have so many plant-based substitute­s now, across the board – from food to cosmetics to wellness, so I think that, that is just going to continue to grow as people make plant-based part of their lifestyle.”

Room dividers

If 2020 was a year of pivoting, then 2021 is going to be about “bringing back that balance and function,” Johnson says.

For some, that will mean making your space “function, stylish and still feel like a home.” To this note, Etsy saw a 399% increase in searches for wall or foldable desks in 2020 and a 134% increase in searches for room dividers.

“Again, this is making sure that your space is functional but that you’re really able to distinguis­h – OK, this is my work area, this is my home space and this is the school area if you have kids,” she says. “You’re seeing people really want to be able to create functional spaces that work for them and not just, ‘Let me toss up a desk on my kitchen table.’ ... People want to bring balance and stability to their work spaces.”

Family-first jobs

The focus on work-life balance won’t stop at-home organizati­on. Hoeger predicts the trend will also seep into people’s priorities in job searches.

“I think that the pandemic has just exacerbate­d that more because people have seen the needs of that work-life balance, and family needs have come more to the forefront,” Hoeger says.

‘Athflow’ fashion

According to Pinterest’s 2021 trend prediction­s, athflow, which is “when athleisure meets elegance,” will be everywhere in the new year.

“Athflow is profession­al enough for the ‘office,’ stretchy enough for the yoga mat and comfy enough for the couch,” the trend report says, adding that the site has seen an increased interest in styles such as cotton jumpsuits and soft clothing.

Buckingham echoes this trend and predicts a “continued growth in athleisure but also a growth in comfortabl­e but more glamorous clothing for when you want to look nice but still be comfortabl­e at home.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Adults using trampoline­s will increase. Jumping on trampoline­s burns more calories than jogging, according to a NASA study.
GETTY IMAGES Adults using trampoline­s will increase. Jumping on trampoline­s burns more calories than jogging, according to a NASA study.

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