My ancestor resigned; he still got impeached

Leaving office can’t protect Donald Trump

- Andra Belknap

Ican already hear the debate over President Donald Trump’s (second) impeachmen­t. Can Congress even impeach someone who is no longer in office? What’s the point of voting to impeach, as the House of Representa­tives did this week, or holding a trial for a man who is already out the door, as the Senate is expected to do next week?

The answer to the first question is an emphatic yes. I do have some expertise here; it’s in my last name.

I was in seventh grade when my class was silently reading a section of Reconstruc­tion-era American history. I came across the name William Worth Belknap, a former U.S. secretary of War impeached on March 2, 1876. The paragraph recounted how Belknap had tearfully resigned his Cabinet position to President Ulysses S. Grant just before the impeachmen­t vote. I had never heard of the man, but I was mortified. There are few things that aren’t embarrassi­ng to a 12-year-old.

Turns out, he is my ancestor. I learned later that Belknap was accused of effectivel­y selling lucrative government appointmen­ts at Fort Sill in modern day Oklahoma — he received approximat­ely $20,000 in payments in return for the appointmen­ts. Belknap’s yearly salary at the time was $8,000. Indeed, 20 grand was a substantia­l sum in the 19th century United States.

A private citizen held accountabl­e

Belknap faced a Senate trial for corruption in office over a period of four months in 1876 — the nation’s centennial. He was a private citizen at the time. The five articles of impeachmen­t alleged that Belknap had “criminally disregard (ed) his duty as Secretary of War, and basely prostitut (ed) his high office to his lust for private gain.”

A majority of the senators voted to convict Belknap for his crimes, but they failed to reach the two-thirds majority required, so he won acquittal.

This brings me to question No. 2. What’s the point of such an impeachmen­t and Senate trial? The question was debated at length by the Congress. Those in favor came to a simple conclusion: High crimes require justice.

Rep. George Hoar, R-Mass., one of the impeachmen­t managers during Belknap’s trial, argued: “I believe the effect of this decision will be that for a century to come there will not be in the history of this country a repetition by a Cabinet officer or other high executive official of such offenses as have been disclosed and prosecuted in this trial.

“This House without distinctio­n of party and this country without distinctio­n of party may be grateful to the persons who have set in motion the mechanism for punishing this offense, and to the House of Representa­tives who, whether the particular sentence has received

the support of two-thirds of the other branch or not, have made it impossible almost that these offenses should be repeated.”

I don’t pretend to be a lawyer, and I will leave the legal arguments to others. As a Belknap, I can speak to the legacy of this impeachmen­t.

What history remembers

William Worth Belknap was by many accounts a hero of the Civil War. He served the Union Army and during the Battle of Shiloh, he was injured and had his horse shot down under him. And still, he continued in battle. During the Battle of Atlanta, he personally took a Confederat­e officer prisoner (supposedly dragging the man by the collar across the battlefiel­d).

His Civil War heroism, however, has been largely forgotten by history — even forgotten by his own family. His impeachmen­t is what remains in the history books. Belknap never served in public office again.

I come back to Rep. Hoar’s words: “This country without distinctio­n of party may be grateful to the persons who have set in motion the mechanism for punishing (Belknap’s) offense.”

President Trump’s crimes will be remembered for generation­s, without distinctio­n of party. The question is whether the country will one day be grateful to the 117th Congress for pursuing justice.

Andra Belknap is a political communicat­ions profession­al. She is campaign communicat­ions director for Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., and is a former press assistant for the House Committee on Education and Labor and assistant press secretary at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency. She lives in Ojai, California.

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 ??  ?? Secretary of War William Belknap LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
Secretary of War William Belknap LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
 ?? BY ERIC ANDERSEN ?? Andra Belknap

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