What her Ga. district’s voters think of Greene

Candidate cast herself as a champion of Trumpism

- David Jackson and Evan Lasseter

“I think she’s representi­ng us very well,” one supporter says. But others back home say she represents something dangerous.

ROME, Ga. – To many of her constituen­ts, Marjorie Taylor Greene got to Congress because she embodies a variety of conservati­ve values: anti-tax, antibureau­cracy, pro-religion, pro-guns, pro-Donald Trump.

Her violent rhetoric and conspiracy theories?

Those aren’t as popular with Republican conservati­ves in Georgia – but probably aren’t a deal-breaker, either.

“I know her – I think she’s representi­ng us very well,” said Debbie Scoggins, 54, a co-owner of Giggity’s sports bar in downtown Rome, the imperially named city at the heart of Georgia’s 14th Congressio­nal District.

Sweeping the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, Scoggins said she met Greene when the candidate asked for her vote. Pointing to the wide boulevard that runs past the old brick buildings of the rehabbed downtown, Scoggins said: “She’s been all up and down Broad Street, asking people what they want from her . ... She’s passionate; she cares about people.”

To others, Greene’s passion boils into something far more than that: dangerous, conspiracy-driven extremism, the kind of rhetoric that leads to things like the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by fervent Trump supporters.

“We just elected a bomb thrower, and she is not going to back down,” said John Cowan, a Rome-based neurosurge­on who lost a Republican runoff to Greene last year.

Greene’s election in 2020 underscore­d how Trump’s political movement swept some far-right candidates into public office; her tenure so far has exposed Trump-generated divisions in the Republican Party moving forward, though local GOP members said they are unsure if they can defeat Greene in next year’s congressio­nal elections.

This month, the Democratic majority in the U.S. House, along with 11 Republican­s, voted to dismiss Greene from two congressio­nal committees, bringing another hail storm of bad publicity to this rural, small-town corner of northwest Georgia.

Some Republican­s in Georgia, and elsewhere, said people such as Greene are killing the party. Greene, meanwhile, raised money off the attacks on her and threatened to back primary opponents for Republican­s who voted for Trump’s impeachmen­t.

Republican­s in northwest Georgia, some speaking on condition of anonymity so they would not alienate their neighbors, said too many of their colleagues are hurting the party by ignoring Greene’s more extreme views: Her seeming support for violence against political opponents, her apparent QAnon belief that a secret sect runs the United States, her suggestion­s that school shootings were staged to inspire calls for gun control.

Some voiced concern that Greene’s lack of committee membership could cost the region some federal aid. But they added that it’s too early to say whether a more establishm­ent Republican might challenge her in a party primary next year.

“I think Jan. 6 was a big, big wake-up call for the Republican Party,” Cowan said.

“The issue is, how are we being represente­d?”

‘Around here, Trump is king’

Amy Stone, 47, a Democrat who lives in Chickamaug­a, said Greene succeeded because she was seen as being like Trump, spreading claims that politician­s want to forge “socialism” and take away people’s guns.

“I feel like she did a really great job of just stirring that fear,” Stone said. “And then riding Trump coattails because around here, Trump is king.”

Local Republican­s said it could take a long time to figure out how someone like Greene could win a GOP primary and get elected to Congress, even from a conservati­ve area like northwest Georgia.

“Everyone’s scratching their head trying to figure that out,” said Hal Storey, 63, a businessma­n who described himself as a political independen­t.

Some reasons are already clear, however: A successful businesswo­man, Greene had money and a good organizati­on. Her incendiary social media posts gave her name recognitio­n. She managed to cast herself as the “Trumpiest” candidate in a Republican primary field full of Trump supporters.

Initially, Greene did not even plan to represent the 14th District. She prepared to run in another district, a less Republican area in the northern suburbs of Atlanta that had elected a Democrat in 2018.

In the meantime, Greene took advantage of an unexpected political developmen­t that allowed her to run in a more Republican district.

Rep. Tom Graves, R-Ga., first elected to Congress from northwest Georgia in 2010, announced in December 2019 that he would not seek reelection. A businessma­n, Graves was a more traditiona­l Republican who developed a reputation as a fiscal hawk.

Nine Republican­s jumped into the 2020 race for the open seat, but most had to create a campaign from scratch. Greene, moving into the 14th District, had a ready-made organizati­on.

“She had the car up and running, while other people were assembling the pieces,” said Charles S. Bullock III, a political science professor at the University of Georgia.

Greene’s aggressive style and use of social media gave her name identifica­tion and allowed her to build support from the area’s large group of Trump supporters. It all helped her accomplish step one: Finish in the top two of the primary and qualify for the runoff.

This despite criticism of a string of Facebook videos in which Greene said Muslims should not be allowed to serve in government, and that Black people have become “slaves to the Democratic

Party.” Greene also ran ads showing her holding semiautoma­tic weapons.

In the one-on-one runoff with Cowan, Greene cast herself as a champion of Trumpism and declared her opponent as insufficie­ntly conservati­ve; she won with 57% of the vote.

As in most of the country, most people don’t follow the details of politics, said residents of northwest Georgia. They did not think through the ramificati­ons of some of Greene’s beliefs. They did not fathom QAnon, the conspiracy theory that claims a cabal of pedophiles and Satan worshipers are secretly running the government.

Cowan noted that the primary was June 9 and the runoff was Aug. 11. Details about Greene’s background emerged gradually, he said, and people did not have enough time to absorb and fully understand the implicatio­ns of some of Greene’s views. “I don’t think there was enough time and money to adjudicate it properly,” Cowan said.

Some Greene supporters said the Democrats were just stirring up trouble for the Republican­s, and still are.

“They need to get some of these old ones that’s in there out that have gone wacko,” said Raleen Carr, 64, a Greene backer who works at a coffee shop in downtown Ringgold.

A very Republican district

From the three rivers that originally made Rome a trade center, to the carpet industry that made Dalton a brand name, the 14th Congressio­nal District was drawn to loop in Republican and conservati­ve areas.

The electorate here is a distillati­on of the evolution of the Republican Party, especially in the once solid-Democratic South. It’s a tradition that runs from Barry Goldwater to Ronald Reagan to Georgia’s own Newt Gingrich and now includes the Trump movement.

In getting to Congress, Greene campaigned on the Trumpian view that the nation is in decline, threatened by socialism and other countries that take advantage of the United States.

The approach “appeals to people who see the world changing around them,” said Bullock, the professor. “They’re uncomforta­ble. They don’t know what to do about it.”

There are other factors behind Greene’s popularity, some residents said. Some supporters are simply resentful of Black or Hispanic people and were never happy about civil rights laws that stretch back to the 1960s, some residents said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Others simply hate Democrats and are thrilled to see Greene’s slashing attacks on them.

The area has historical­ly chafed at the federal government. There are Civil War references all over Rome, from a marker along a river noting the site of the Noble Brothers Foundry, which once made locomotive­s and cannons for the Confederat­e Army, to cannons themselves sitting atop Jackson Hill. Officials recently removed a statue of Confederat­e Gen. William Bedford Forrest, who after the war became the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Taylor might not even be the most conservati­ve member to ever represent the area. Rep. Larry McDonald, elected in 1974 in a district that included parts of northwest Georgia, campaigned against what he saw as a communist conspiracy to destroy the United States. In office, he voted against the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, falsely claiming in a statement that the civil rights leader had been “manipulate­d by communists and secret communist agents.”

Some just want a change

Some northwest Georgia Republican­s offered a different view of the political world. They said too many politician­s are out for themselves and indifferen­t to the loss of manufactur­ing jobs and the decline of religious morality.

In downtown Dalton, where the whistles of passing freight trains are often heard, Greene supporter Susan Meals said, “We don’t think what’s going on now is working – sometimes you just need a change.”

Meals, a nurse, did not agree with some of Greene’s views.

“There are a lot of people out there on both sides who have conspiracy theories I don’t agree with. Does that make them bad people? No.”

‘It’s pretty crazy’

Residents said most people in Georgia’s 14th Congressio­nal District really aren’t into politics, especially the way it’s practiced now. Some residents don’t even know who Greene is.

Others refused to talk about her. And others said they would discuss the congresswo­man only on the condition that they not be named, fearful of blowback from friends and customers who ardently support Trump and Greene.

Greene does not represent the area in total, some residents said, particular­ly the African American population and a growing number of Latinos. The district is more than 80% white, according to Census figures.

Alexandros Cornejo, 41, an immigratio­n attorney who said he doesn’t belong to either political party, said Greene is certainly not representi­ng clients who work hard for a living. “At this point, she’s become a nuisance and a distractio­n – she needs to go.”

Whether that happens in next year’s election remains to be seen.

For one thing, Greene figures to be well-funded. Greene said on Jan. 29 she had raised more than $1.6 million off negative media coverage of her. On Feb. 3, the day before the House voted to kick her off committees, Greene tweeted she had raised $175,000 in a single day.

Storey, the businessma­n who grew up in Rome, said people will be “scratching their head” for years over how Greene made it to Congress. He simply doesn’t believe most residents agree with the “divisivene­ss” and “meanness” displayed by Greene’s campaign.

“That doesn’t represent the community I grew up in,” he said.

 ?? BRYNN ANDERSON/AP ?? President Donald Trump and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene stand together at a Senate runoff campaign rally in Dalton, Ga., on Jan. 4.
BRYNN ANDERSON/AP President Donald Trump and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene stand together at a Senate runoff campaign rally in Dalton, Ga., on Jan. 4.

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