Where in ‘SNL’ is President Biden?

No news conference, no skit. Why not?

- Peter Funt Peter Funt, a writer and host of “Candid Camera,” is at work on a book about TV portrayals of sitting presidents titled “Playing POTUS.”

No one saw this coming: Neither the real Joe Biden nor the fake Joe Biden has held a news conference since Inaugurati­on Day. Over the past 100 years, no president has gone as long as Biden without conducting a formal session with White House reporters. And “Saturday Night Live” has never gone this far into a new president’s term without having someone portraying him in a sketch. The last time a Biden character appeared on “SNL” was back on Dec. 19, when Alex Moffat offered a tame impersonat­ion of the president-elect.

What’s going on here? Is the White House worried about a gaffe or poor showing by the new president? Fox News and other conservati­ve outlets are eagerly promoting such speculatio­n. Is “SNL” afraid of making jokes at the new president’s expense? Producers seem unsure about what to do with Biden, despite their rich history of mocking politician­s from both parties.

Maybe both conditions are circumstan­tial and soon to be corrected, but right now neither looks good.

Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama each held solo news conference­s during their first month in office. The Biden administra­tion, however, is focused on major congressio­nal hurdles — the COVID-19 relief bill and Cabinet confirmati­ons — to a point where freewheeli­ng questions from the press corps might place the new president in a difficult spot.

But at a time when true transparen­cy is desperatel­y needed in government, especially on the heels of Trump and an administra­tion that favored “alternativ­e facts,” Biden is making a mistake by being so guarded with White House reporters.

Do better, and quickly

Late in Trump’s presidency, he used televised news conference­s to deliver long-winded, factually flawed speeches. When he did take questions he berated several reporters — mostly women — and relied on softball queries from conservati­ve media to dodge real issues facing the nation.

Biden can and must do better, and he should get to it quickly.

Meanwhile, viewers of “Saturday Night Live” are probably wondering what’s the deal with Biden? He is mentioned briefly on “Weekend Update,” but there has yet to be a sketch with a Biden character in 2021.

During the presidenti­al campaign, Jim Carrey portrayed Biden on “SNL,” and some Democrats felt it was too harsh. Carrey left the role after the election — without much explanatio­n except to say it was never meant to be a permanent gig — then cast member Moffat gave the part a try in one limp sketch. That’s it.

It’s not as if Biden is difficult to impersonat­e. Before Carrey, Woody Harrelson provided a toothy, straight-from-the-headlines version of the former vice president.

Earlier, Jason Sudeikis did a spot-on Biden during the Obama years and was the presumptiv­e favorite to return until Carrey got the gig.

“SNL” producers and writers have always been liberal leaning yet generally willing to dole out insults to presidents from both parties. If they were to mock Biden for his occasional lapses in public speaking, the script might go like this:

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States.

PRESIDENT: My fellow Americans, ladies and gentlemen, members of the press, and my immediate family. First, may I thank you all for being here, and I am, and my immediate family. First, may I thank you all for being here, and I am and my immediate family. Thank you all for being here. And I am truly honored to be asked by you to open the ‘Saturday Night’ show.

(He pours water into a glass, then picks up an empty glass and attempts to drink from it.)

PRESIDENT: I do have two major announceme­nts to make …

(He stumbles and falls.) PRESIDENT: Whoops! Uh, oh. (Gets up.)

PRESIDENT: No problem. No problem.

‘Live from New York’

After that he’d attempt to drink water from the empty pitcher. He might bang his head on the podium, stumble a second time, trip over two folding chairs and, sprawled on the floor, shout: “Live from New York, it’s Saturday night!”

That could be very funny. But it has already been done. That’s a transcript of the first time a president was portrayed on “SNL”: Republican Gerald Ford, Nov. 8, 1975.

Chevy Chase played Ford as a lamebraine­d klutz, a depiction that helped make Chase a big star and hurt Ford’s chances against Jimmy Carter in 1976.

So, is “SNL” going soft on Democrats in its 46th season? I hope not, because as the show’s creator and executive producer Lorne Michaels once noted, “If a culture doesn’t allow you to laugh at the leaders or at things that your eyes and ears tell you are actually happening, that’s not good.”

We need more real news conference­s, and more genuine laughs.

 ?? WILL HEATH/NBC/NBCU PHOTO BANK VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Alex Moffat as Joe Biden, Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris and Beck Bennett as Mike Pence on Dec. 19.
WILL HEATH/NBC/NBCU PHOTO BANK VIA GETTY IMAGES Alex Moffat as Joe Biden, Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris and Beck Bennett as Mike Pence on Dec. 19.
 ?? PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP ?? President Joe Biden marks Internatio­nal Women’s Day on Monday.
PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP President Joe Biden marks Internatio­nal Women’s Day on Monday.

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