No longer swing vote, Roberts reigns at high court

Chief justice still wields the power

- John Fritze

WASHINGTON – When Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the Supreme Court last year, some predicted a diminished role for the man who had emerged in recent years as the court’s swing vote: Chief Justice John Roberts.

After all, with six conservati­ves on the high court for the first time in decades, Roberts’ vote was technicall­y no longer needed to decide legal challenges over abortion, guns, religious freedom and other issues with the outcomes long sought by the right.

But as one big opinion after another landed in the term that ended this month, a more nuanced picture of Roberts’ power came into focus. Though the chief justice no longer cast tiebreakin­g votes, his incrementa­l approach to the court’s work – narrow opinions designed to build coalitions resulting in majorities – once again prevailed.

Out of 67 opinions, two ended with Roberts outflanked by his fellow conservati­ves. Both of those involved government regulation­s intended to slow the coronaviru­s pandemic that the court concluded trampled on Americans’ right to worship.

“Roberts is still exercising a considerab­le amount of influence, though it’s not by being the swing vote,” said David Cole, national legal director at the American Civil Liberties Union. “He’s continuing to exercise his influence through his commitment to the institutio­n, his commitment to avoiding partisan decisions, and in particular by his championin­g of what he calls minimalism.”

Roberts’ soft power was most pronounced in a dispute between Philadelph­ia and a Catholic foster care agency that, citing religious objections, declined to screen samesex couples as potential parents.

In his opinion for the court, the chief justice concluded Philadelph­ia’s anti-discrimina­tion requiremen­t included an exemption for secular entities, therefore didn’t treat religious and non-religious groups the same. By taking that route, he avoided the more contentiou­s question of whether to overturn a 1990 precedent that makes it harder to file religious claims when a regulation does apply equally to, say, hardware stores and churches.

In another narrow decision, the court threw out the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act by concluding the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue because they were not harmed by the 2010 law’s requiremen­t that all Americans obtain health insurance.

Roberts, nominated to the court in 2005 by President George W. Bush, needed help to push for those more limited outcomes – and he got it in case after case. That help most often came from Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and, to a lesser extent, Barrett.

“What’s important isn’t John Roberts’ power,” said Michael McConnell, director of the constituti­onal law center at Stanford Law School and a former federal appeals court judge. “What’s important is that (court dynamics) are likely to augur a longer-term shift toward less disruptive and fewer aggressive decisions.”


By one measure – the share of opinions in which he was in the majority – Roberts lost influence. The chief justice sided with the majority 86% of the time in divided cases over the past nine months, compared with 94% during the 2019-2020 term, according to the Supreme Court Database, housed at Washington University School of Law.

That allowed Kavanaugh – who was on the winning side in 93% of cases – to surpass Roberts as the justice most often in the middle.

Other measures suggest Roberts, 66, is getting his way. Even as the court became more conservati­ve, 43% of its opinions were unanimous, according to data compiled by SCOTUSblog. That’s the highest share since the 2016-2017 term.

This term, the court handed down nine opinions in which it split 6-3 along conservati­veliberal lines, including two highly political cases at the end. In one, Roberts joined with the court’s other conservati­ves in placing curbs on when voters may challenge election laws that have a disproport­ionate impact on racial and ethnic minorities.

Those were the exceptions. “I’ll put it very colloquial­ly: It wasn’t the Democratic bloodbath some expected,” said Lee Epstein, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis. “The data show a conservati­ve court, but a more moderate conservati­ve court.”

There were four other 6-3 combinatio­ns in which the justices didn’t vote along expected lines. Barrett wrote an opinion absolving a police officer from violating a 1986 anti-hacking law when he ran a license plate in exchange for cash.

She was joined by three liberals and two conservati­ves, Kavanaugh and Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Roberts dissented in that case.

“There were very few convention­al ideologica­l splits,” said Ilya Shapiro, a vice president at the libertaria­n Cato Institute.

“In some respects, Roberts is fighting a rear-guard action. Since he’s not in the middle, he’s got more work to do.”

Rarely alone

Epstein said one explanatio­n for the unusual voting lineups is the notion of a moderate wing emerging, bringing together at least some conservati­ves and liberals in the middle. Another is that the justices appeared to go out of their way to not hear the kind of controvers­ial cases that would draw attention.

Roberts had a hand in both situations.

The chief justice has long been tough to pin down. Conservati­ves fumed when he sided with liberals in the case upholding the Affordable Care Act in 2012. Liberals never forgave him for joining conservati­ves in 2013 to strike a provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act requiring some states to get federal approval for new voting laws.

Roberts did something unusual this term: He wrote his first and only solo dissent, siding with a university after a student challenged a policy barring him from handing out religious material on campus.

Roberts was never on his own again for the rest of the term.

“He’s not the clear center of the court,” Epstein said. “But he’s still very much a player.”

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