United States wasting too much time against Putin

Pass the Defending Ukraine Sovereignt­y Act to signal concrete costs before a Russian invasion

- Alexander Vindman Former director of European Affairs National Security Council Retired Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is the former director of European Affairs for the U.S. National Security Council.

As Vladimir Putin continues to amass troops on the border of Ukraine, there is a growing sense that the die has been cast, and that invasion is unavoidabl­e. President Joe Biden, in a news conference last week, said, “My guess is he will move in. He has to do something.”

That may be true, but it does not mean we cannot further complicate Putin’s calculus while we still have a chance. At minimum, doing so could delay an invasion, giving Ukraine more time to prepare.

At the same time, there is still hope, however slim, that we can deter Putin. We owe it to ourselves and our allies to exhaust every option to deter him before an invasion begins.

As a start, Congress must immediatel­y pass the Defending Ukraine Sovereignt­y Act. This bipartisan legislatio­n already has the backing of the Biden administra­tion, but time is running out to pass it for maximum effect.

The legislatio­n includes crippling sanctions against Russia that will trigger upon further military aggression in Ukraine as well as measures to combat Russia’s destabiliz­ing disinforma­tion campaigns. Perhaps most important, the bill mandates a massive and immediate increase in defensive aid to Ukraine.

Specifical­ly, the legislatio­n would expedite procuremen­t and delivery of defensive weaponry to Ukraine by using the Special Defense Acquisitio­n Fund and lease programs.

On top of the $650 million in defensive weaponry and support that the Biden administra­tion has already committed, the armaments that would swiftly arrive in Ukraine under this legislatio­n would make the prospect of invasion more complicate­d for Putin.

Congress is moving too slowly

Inexplicab­ly, Congress is taking its time on this critical bill.

Passage of this legislatio­n before any invasion will be key to its success. Triggered punishing measures must be put in place now to signal the concrete costs of Russian military aggression in Ukraine.

We need to ensure that threats of unpreceden­ted sanctions and severe consequenc­es for Russia will prove credible.

And yet, following the Senate’s marathon session on voting rights, Congress is in recess. When it returns, Congress may find that passage of this bill will come too late.

Recognizin­g time is not on our side, Congress must move this bill immediatel­y, and get it to President Biden for his signature.

Alongside the provision of weaponry, the United States should also show greater commitment to holding Putin in check, should he choose to invade. We must deploy more forces now to Eastern Europe to deter Russian aggression beyond Ukraine and contain the fallout of a major war.

Invasion must be costly

Putin must be made to understand that his aggression will be limited, contained and costly.

Deterrence against further aggression and coordinati­ng with our allies will also help prevent a bilateral confrontat­ion involving U.S. troops.

Vladimir Putin is an aggressive thinker, but he is not irrational.

He will take all that he can as long as the cost is bearable. While diplomatic efforts to dissuade him were necessary and important, they came without the movement of troops and equipment that would have significan­tly raised the costs of invasion. Thus, he has continued the buildup – possibly to the point of no return. But while there are still seconds on the clock, we can and must act to avert an invasion and the spillover that would suck America into another European war.

There is no more time left to waste.

 ?? EFREM LUKATSKY/AP ?? Members of Ukraine’s volunteer military units train in a city park in Kyiv on Saturday.
EFREM LUKATSKY/AP Members of Ukraine’s volunteer military units train in a city park in Kyiv on Saturday.
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