‘Internal shower’ drink isn’t the answer to a healthful diet

- Sara M. Moniuszko

If you haven’t had the privilege of stumbling across PoopTok, we’re bringing you the latest viral sensation that TikTok community has produced: The “internal shower” drink.

It includes three ingredient­s: water, chia seeds and the juice of half a lemon.

In days, the chia seed concoction has taken TikTok by storm with the hashtag #internalsh­owerdrink gaining more than 2.3 million views and #internalsh­ower gaining more than 31.9 million.

Videos claim the drinks helps with a range of issues including constipati­on and bloating. Others have described it as a “cleanse” or “detox” after a weekend of fast food or drinking alcohol.

But how much is true and is it something you should try? We asked experts to weigh in on benefits and risks.

Should you try the ‘internal shower’ chia seed drink?

Laura Ligos, a registered dietitian, says it would depend on an individual’s needs and digestive issues to determine if the drink is a good option.

“The components of the drink can all be supportive of digestive health but will not cure any root issues that are going on,” she explains. “If someone hasn’t been hydrating appropriat­ely or they haven’t gotten enough fiber in the day through their diet then it may be a quicker way to hit those targets.”

She says she would first focus on proper hydration (usually about half your body weight in ounces per day), eating enough fiber and incorporat­ing plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Jenna Litt, a registered dietitian at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, says chia seeds are “known to be fibrous, and fiber is known to help with more frequent bowel movements.” But you don’t need to drink the gelatinous ‘internal shower’ drink to meet your fiber goal. The seeds can be put in smoothies, yogurt, pudding, oatmeal and more.

“You will receive the benefits of the fiber in the chia seeds regardless of the* form you consume them in,” Litt says, adding she recommends having a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables.

“These are known to be highest in fiber while also providing your body with adequate vitamins and minerals. Having nuts and seeds and whole wheat products are also a great way to meet your fiber needs for the day,” she says. “We do not need the ‘internal shower’ to regulate our bowel movements.”

If you do increase your fiber intake, be mindful

There are risks to having too much of anything in our diet, Litt says.

“If you have too much fiber in a day, you may actually end up finding yourself to be more constipate­d and may feel even more bloated,” she explains. “This is because when you consume fiber, it pulls water out of your body through your bowel movements, which causes dehydratio­n, making it more difficult for the body to pass the stool.”

That’s why Litt recommends consuming adequate fiber, not excess. It’s also important to supplement your fiber with water to help with the fiber intake and digestion as a whole, Ligos adds.

Experts warn against calling it a ‘cleanse’

The word “cleanse” or “detox” can be misleading and dangerous, especially to those who struggle with disordered eating, Litt explains.

“The idea that you can eat or drink whatever you want and counter that lifestyle by having a ‘detox’ can lead to binging tendencies,” she adds.

It makes the drink seem like “a quick fix that it’s most certainly not,” Ligos says, adding that your kidneys and liver cleanse and detox the body.

“If you are struggling with eating ‘good’ on the weekdays and then bingeing or ‘cheating’ on the weekends then this is a much deeper issue than needing a ‘cleanse’ and likely we need to work on your relationsh­ip with food as well as learning the basics of hydration and fiber.”

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