Stationmas­ter charged in Greece train crash

Employee faces negligent homicide, other charges

- Demetris Nellas and Costas Kantouris

ATHENS, Greece – A stationmas­ter accused of causing Greece’s deadliest train disaster was charged with negligent homicide and jailed pending trial Sunday, while Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis apologized for any responsibi­lity Greece’s government may bear for the tragedy.

An examining magistrate and a prosecutor agreed that multiple counts of homicide as well as charges of causing bodily harm and endangerin­g transporta­tion safety should be brought against the railway employee.

At least 57 people, many of them in their teens and 20s, were killed when a northbound passenger train and a southbound freight train collided Feb. 28 north of the city of Larissa, in central Greece.

The 59-year-old stationmas­ter allegedly directed the two trains traveling in opposite directions onto the same track. He spent 71⁄2 hours Sunday testifying about the events leading up to the crash before he was charged and ordered held.

“My client testified truthfully, without fearing if doing so would incriminat­e him,” Stephanos Pantzartzi­dis, the stationmas­ter’s lawyer, told reporters. “The decision (to jail him) was expected, given the importance of the case.”

Pantzartzi­dis implied that others besides his client share blame, saying that judges should investigat­e whether more than one stationmas­ter should have been working in Larissa at the time of the collision.

“For 20 minutes, he was in charge of (train) safety in all central Greece,” the lawyer said of his client.

Greek media have reported that the automated signaling system in the area of the crash was not functionin­g, making the stationmas­ter’s mistake possible. Stationmas­ters along that part of Greece’s main trunk line communicat­e with each other and with train drivers via two-way radios, and the switches are operated manually.

The prime minister promised a swift investigat­ion of the collision and said the new Greek transporta­tion minister would release a safety improvemen­t plan. Once a new parliament is in place, a commission also will be named to investigat­e decades of mismanagem­ent of the country’s railway system, Mitsotakis said.

In an initial statement Wednesday, Mitsotakis had said the crash resulted from a “tragic human error.” Opposition parties pounced on the remark, accusing the prime minister of trying to cover up the state’s role and making the inexperien­ced stationmas­ter a scapegoat.

“I owe everyone, and especially the victims’ relatives, a big apology, both personal and on behalf of all who governed the country for many years,” Mitsotakis wrote Sunday on Facebook. “In 2023, it is inconceiva­ble that two trains move in different directions on the same track and no one notices. We cannot, we do not want to, and we must not hide behind the human error.”

Greece’s railways long suffered from chronic mismanagem­ent, including lavish spending on projects that were eventually abandoned or significan­tly delayed, Greek media have reported in several exposes. With state railway company Hellenic Railways billions of euros in debt, maintenanc­e work was put off, according to news reports.

On Sunday, railway unions organized a protest rally in central Athens attended by about 12,000 people according to authoritie­s.

Five people were arrested and seven police officers were injured when a group of more than 200 masked, black-clad individual­s started throwing pieces of marble, rocks, bottles and firebombs at officers, who gave chase along a central avenue in the city while using tear gas and stun grenades.

In Thessaloni­ki, about 3,000 people attended two protest rallies. Several of the crash victims were students at the city’s Aristotle University, Greece’s largest, with over 50,000 students.

The larger protest, organized by left-wing activists, marched to a government building. No incidents were reported at that event.

In the other, staged by Communist Party members at the White Tower, the city’s signature monument, there was a brief scuffle with police when the protesters tried to place a banner on the monument.

 ?? GIANNIS PAPANIKOS/AP ?? Debris of trains lies on the rail lines as firefighte­rs operate after a collision in Tempe, Greece, on Wednesday.
GIANNIS PAPANIKOS/AP Debris of trains lies on the rail lines as firefighte­rs operate after a collision in Tempe, Greece, on Wednesday.

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