New Joint-Supporting “Miracle Oil” Capsule Delivers Hip, Knee, and Shoulder Comfort in Just Days


Thousands of Americans are rediscover­ing normal freedom of movement thanks to a “miracle oil” capsule that’s outperform­ing hemp in promoting joint comfort.

According to the official figures from the CDC, more than 58 million Americans are living with joint discomfort. This epidemic has led to a search for alternativ­e approaches – as many sufferers seek relief without the harmful side effects of convention­al “solutions.”

Anti-aging specialist Dr. Al Sears is leading the way with a new formula he calls “the most significan­t breakthrou­gh I’ve ever found for easing joint discomfort.”

The capsule is based on a “miracle oil” historical­ly treasured for its joint health-supporting properties. Marco Polo prized it as he blazed the Silk Road. And to this day, Ayurvedic practition­ers rely on it to promote optimal joint health.

Now, with a modern twist backed by science, Dr. Sears is making this natural solution for joint health available to the public.

Your Body’s Hidden “Soothing System”

Joint health research changed forever with the discovery of the endocannab­inoid system (ECS) in 1992. Up until that point, research on cannabinoi­ds focused on psychoacti­ve effects. Now, scientists were looking at a new way to fight occasional aches and pains.

Your ECS serves as a central “signaling system” that tells your body how to react to things you do every day. It controls several critical bodily functions such as learning and memory, sleep, healthy immune responses – and your response to discomfort.

A recent study revealed a direct link between the ECS and creaky, sore joints. Researcher­s at the University of Edinburgh studied the aging of mice with endocannab­inoid deficienci­es versus “normal” mice.

As they aged, the deficient mice had a whopping 60% more joint degenerati­on than the mice with a healthy ECS.

As the name suggests, the ECS responds to cannabis. At the time it was discovered, scientists assumed that was the best way to support it. But thanks to Dr. Sears’ all-natural solution, you can power up your ECS without marijuana.

“Calling it the ‘endocannab­inoid system’ was a misnomer from the very beginning,” Dr. Sears explained. “Modern research reveals that you don’t need cannabis to activate this incredible system. You don’t need to ‘get high’ to get joint relief.”

A scholarly review found that plants and herbs that don’t produce mindalteri­ng effects can support the ECS and help it maintain its healthy functions.

This includes common foodstuffs, such as kava, chocolate, black pepper, and most significan­tly – the star ingredient to Dr. Sears’ own Mobilify formula - frankincen­se.

Modern scientists say this natural ingredient meets “cannabinoi­d tetrad” – the signs used to determine if something supports the ECS. While it doesn’t produce a “high” like cannabis does, it binds to the same receptors to support a healthy response to discomfort. All the Benefits of CBD – Without Cannabis

Indian frankincen­se, the chief ingredient in Mobilify, has been shown to provide all the benefits of cannabis without any feelings of sluggishne­ss or sleepiness.

And studies show that users don’t have to wait long for the comfort they’re looking for.

In a study published in the Internatio­nal Journal of Medical Sciences, 60 patients with stiff knees took 100 mg of Indian frankincen­se or a placebo daily for 30 days. Remarkably, Indian frankincen­se “significan­tly” supported healthy joint function and relieved discomfort in as little as five days.

Additional research linked regular use to lasting comfort.

In another study, 48 participan­ts were given an extract made from frankincen­se for 120-days. When the results came in, researcher­s determined the extract strongly supported joint comfort – especially in the knees.

These results were all achieved without marijuana. Research continues to back up the idea that you can support smooth, strong, and healthy joints naturally – without tiredness or sluggishne­ss.

Get Moving Again with Mobilify

Mobilify has already helped thousands of Americans stay on their feet and breeze through their daily activities with ease.

One user even reported getting results the same day it was used.

“Mobilify really helps with soreness, stiffness, and mild temporary discomfort,” Joni D. said.

Larry M, another user, compared taking

Mobilify to living a completely new life. “After a week and a half of taking

Mobilify, the discomfort, stiffness, and minor aches went away…it’s almost like being reborn,” he said.

Dennis H. said it helped him get back to his favorite hobby.

“I can attest to Mobilify easing discomfort to enable me to pursue my golfing days. Definitely one pill that works for me out of the many I have tried,” he said.

How to Get Mobilify

Right now, the only way to get this powerful, unique Mobilify formula that clobbers creaking joints without clobbering you is directly from Dr. Sears. It is not available in stores.

To secure your bottle of this breakthrou­gh natural joint discomfort reliever, buyers should call with Sears Health Hotline at 1-800-257-4406. “The Hotline allows us to ship the product directly to customers.”

Dr. Sears believes in this product so much, he offers a 100% money-back guarantee on every order. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days, and I’ll send you your money back,” said Dr. Sears.

The Hotline will be taking orders for the next 48 hours. After that, the phone number may be shut down to allow them to restock. Call 1-800-257-4406 to secure your limited supply of Mobilify.

If you are not able to get through due to extremely high call volume, please try again! Call NOW to qualify for a significan­t discount on this limited time offer. To take advantage of this exclusive offer use Promo Code: MBUSAT46 when you call.

 ?? ?? The active ingredient in Mobilify soothes aching joints in as little as 5 days
The active ingredient in Mobilify soothes aching joints in as little as 5 days

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