Valley City Times-Record

Faith Matters: Show Me Your Ways...

(Psalm 25:3)

- By Pastor JoAnne Moeller, Trinity Lutheran Church/ Valley City, ND

It’s a “testy” time, so here’s a little “test” for you to consider: What do a prism, a sticky note, and some water have in common? Any guesses?

Having smudged our foreheads with an ashen Cross last week (on Ash Wednesday), we were led “into the wilderness” with Jesus according to the

Gospel of Mark (1:1213) on Sunday. There are different versions of Jesus’ time in the wilderness, and Mark’s has become my favorite for today.

When Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River, He saw and heard the Spirit and a Voice declaring: “You are My Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” And then “the Spirit immediatel­y drove Him out into the wilderness.”

Ah, the first clue that there’s more to Baptism than getting wet!

In only two verses (unlike other Gospel writers), Mark gives us plenty to ponder, to remember, and to cherish for a lifetime. From the “immediatel­y”…to the “wilderness”…the “forty days” tempted by Satan…the “wild beasts” and some “angels,” we lack for nothing that Hollywood could best.

In all humanity, wrestling with unknowns, doubts, fears…within and without…longing for clarity, courage, strength…for a long long time (that “40 days” number as a reminder of other long hard times: a flood…a wandering…a waiting upon GOD…), surely this “wilderness” time was no picnic for Jesus. No doubt He was seeking greater depth in understand­ing what that Voiced message was all about, and what GOD was calling Him into further. And I trust the Spirit knew Jesus needed such a “wild” time to prepare Him for what was ahead.

We all have and know “wilderness” times. And often such times are no fun, at least not when wrapped with wrestling inside and out. Most of us would rather avoid or deny or ingest something to soften or dispel the pain of wrestling. But I think such times are good for us, when from the wrestling—be it with our conscience, thoughts, choices, beliefs, integrity, way of living—come the insight, clarity, courage, and even peace needed for what is ahead.

Only Mark’s version includes the “wild beasts” with Jesus during that long time—and doesn’t say that Jesus was attacked or threatened by them—which leads me to think they were befriender­s to Him, bringing companions­hip and delight and wonder in the midst of His wrestling. Ah, “consider the birds of the air” and all the other wondrous creatures, who have much to teach and give us even and especially in the midst of our struggles!

And Mark’s version of Jesus’ wilderness time has “the angels”— Greek for “messengers” or “servants” of GOD— right there attending to Jesus through that long time (not after, as in Matthew). What a wonderful reminder of GOD’s beloveds (those “gone before” or enfleshed ones) being with and among us in the midst of our “wild” wrestling times—all the while encouragin­g, comforting, nourishing, reminding, assuring along the way (and, in my mind and heart, also singing and praying with and for us)! I have no doubt you have known some…been blessed by some…and been so to some needing “one-of-GOD” in the midst of a long hard time.

Beloved of GOD, however and whenever your “wilderness” time has you wrestling within and with-out, rest assured that GOD does not and will not leave you alone in your wrestling or in the wilderness. Whether through “wildly wonderful beasts” nearby or angelic care-ers beside (near or afar), GOD will enfold and hold and uphold you through it all.

And when you aren’t so sure, or you forget again, then let the rainbow colors of a prism… a simple sticky note (on your forehead/bathroom mirror)…a splash of water be reminders to you again of who and Whose you are: “Beloved of GOD”…and so you are, beloved indeed!

The One who dearly loves you will show and teach you the Way even through your “wilderness” and bring you to life again, leading you from the depths to the light once more—that’s the Promise!

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Pastor Moeller

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