Valley City Times-Record

Letter *FROM* the Editor


Dear Times-Record readers,

It has been a blessing and a privilege to get to know you and your community through these past three years. On Friday, November 5th, I close what has been a wonderful chapter in my life as I step away from my position as Editor here.

When I took this job in 2018, I didn’t know much about Barnes County or Valley City. I didn’t know much about the newspaper world, either; the majority of my experience was in creative writing, though I’d had a couple of college classes focused on journalism. What I really didn’t know was how much I would grow and learn as a profession­al and individual through my time here.

I’ve grown to know and love many people who I wouldn’t have connected with had it not been for this job. I’ve become a better writer and communicat­or, and I’ve come to love this county and city—in both its past and present—deeply. While learning things about the newspaper business, journalism, interviewi­ng, relating and everything else, I was also learning more about myself and discoverin­g a deeper passion for writing and telling people’s stories. I might not have known that was happening, but it’s quite clear as I look back. I feel very privileged to have been entrusted with telling local stories and allowed into people’s lives in such a special way.

I will dearly miss spending my days in Valley City with the folks who call this place home, though the feeling of being welcomed, appreciate­d and valued you’ve given me will remain with me all my life.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives for these three years and for the generosity (and forgivenes­s) you’ve shown me as I navigated the ins and outs of life as a small-town newspaper editor.

Thank you all—everyone here I know well, everyone reading from afar, everyone I’ve emailed but never met in person—for being with me on this journey.

I wish you and your remarkable community nothing but the best.

TR Editor signing off – Ellie

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