Valley City Times-Record

Letter to the Editor


Why can't our government run a civil society? Meaning civil as in the Ten Commandmen­ts and also the United States Constituti­on. If it is not written in the above mentioned, whatever is proposed should not fly. Meaning end of discussion, over and out.

To run a civil society we need capitol punishment, and the finest form of that is death by hanging. It's painless (because it is so fast) cost effective (because the rope can be used many times over) and no matter how sick the individual­s mind is, they will think twice when death is on the line. So no need for more and more human detention centers or whatever you want to call it.

Also to run a civil society we need intelligen­ce in our elected.

So when someone does something that causes problems down the road it should be outlawed and not covered up and don't say anything! Meaning the space program. All the money spent on that stupidity is totally insane. But then in most government­s money talks. And there is big money in a program that shoots something in the air and the less intelligen­t does all the ooze and awing! Being we have the least intelligen­t in public office whatever happens down the road, just don't say anything. Just stick your heads in the sand, hear no evil see no evil.

In October we had ten inches of rain. Then in the winter of 21, 22 we had over 3 feet of wet snow, then in April of 2022 we had about seven more inches of rain.

We live on a hill but now we are pumping water out of our basement day after day. If we can get all the dates of rocketing that went on that would prove what our government allowed to cause us and many people a lot of problems. Now that is a very intelligen­t government! Allow programs that cause people problems! A very bankrupt government at that!

So I can conclude that rocketry is destroying lives, property, human health (because in farming when the sun is not working the chemicals are and those chemicals are causing people problems.)


Milo Buchholz

Fingal, ND

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