Valley City Times-Record

A natural and biodiverse garden with umbellifer­ous perennials


Umbellifer­ous perennials have their natural looks going for them. The flowers are a real magnet for hoverflies, bees, and butterflie­s. After flowering, birds will come for the seeds. It is safe to say that they deserve a place in every garden.


Each umbel, or flower head, consists of smaller umbels with many flowers filled with pollen and nectar. With their airy growth habit, umbellifer­ous perennials are transparen­t. They look stunning in groups, but will also intertwine effortless­ly with plants with other flower forms such as panicles. Dill (Anethum), fennel (Foeniculum), Roman chervil (Myrrhis), and angelica (Angelica) are examples of umbellifer­ous plants. Yarrow (Achillea) is perhaps the best known umbellifer in the (ornamental) garden, but there are many other ones too.

A few examples:

Yarrow – Achillea

Flowers: June-September in yellow, pink, purple, orange or red and white Location: full sun Tip: Tear (divide) this plant every couple of years in spring, and it will stay beautiful for years.

Cow parsley – Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing'

Flowers: May-June, white

Location: partial shade/ sun

The wild shape of this plant may well be the best known umbellifer.

Great pignut – Bunium bulbocasta­num

Flowers: June-July, white

Location: partial shade/ sun

All parts of this plant are edible; the taste of its tubers is not unlike that of sweet chestnuts.

Baltic parsley – Cenolophiu­m denudatum

Flowers: June-September, white

Location: shade/partial shade/sun

Loved for its long flowering period and because it also thrives in the shade.

Wild carrot – Daucus carota

Flowers: June-October, white

Location: full sun

In the evening, the flower closes, only to unfold into an umbel again in the morning.

Golden lace - Patrinia scabiosifo­lia

Flowers: June-August, yellow

Location: partial shade/sun The leaves of this umbellifer turn reddish in autumn.

Golden Alexander – Zizia aurea Flowers: May-July, yellow Location: partial shade/sun

Just like cow parsley, this plant flowers slightly earlier in the year.

Did you know that...

• Many umbellifer­ous plants are host plants for butterflie­s? Swallowtai­l butterflie­s, for example, lay their eggs on wild carrot.

• They are not all part of the family of umbellifer­s (Apiaceae or Umbellifer­ae)? Yarrow, for example, belongs to the composite family and golden lace to the valerian family.

• It is best to cut them back after winter? Insects take shelter among the leaves and stems in winter, and you can also enjoy their beautiful silhouette for months.

• You can visit www.perennialp­ for more informatio­n about perennials flowers?

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