Walker County Messenger

Fred The Caterpilla­r

- Bo Wagner Evangelist and author

A butterfly is an amazing creation. But the process by which a caterpilla­r becomes a butterfly is actually almost gruesome. Fred is basically going to digest himself, and become a soupy mess inside that cocoon. But God has designed the process in such a beautiful way that Fred’s messy, soupy death, will actually lead to a far more beautiful life...

The obvious and oft-used spiritual applicatio­n here is a good one. Yes, a sinner dies to self and becomes a new creature in Christ, just as 2 Corinthian­s 5:17 says. And yes, the caterpilla­r to butterfly metamorpho­sis is a good illustrati­on of that in many ways. But I am thinking along a bit of a different pathway as I consider our temporary, soon to be released new pet.

Life would be grand, we think, if the road to success could be paved with pleasure. But that is not normally reality. Both Scripture and experience testify to the fact that the road to success is often paved with struggle, heartache, and the hot soupy mess of one difficulty after another. And the very greatest triumph ever achieved fit that template. When Jesus Christ secured the means of our redemption, he did so by treading the most precarious, painful road anyone has ever traveled.

Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus endured the most horrific of treatment, because that was part of the price that had to be paid for our sin. The Old Testament prophetica­lly and the New Testament historical­ly gave us the picture of what he endured. He was mocked, and dragged through an illegal trial in which eighteen laws were broken to secure his conviction. He was beaten. He was scourged. A crown of long, pliable thorns was forced down onto his head. He was beaten in the head with a hard reed. By the time the abuse was done, Isaiah tells us that “his visage was so marred more than any man,” meaning his face could no longer even be recognized. Then he was nailed to a cross, and hung in the heat of the day to experience dehydratio­n, blood loss, shock, and no one would so much as give him a sip of water to drink.

But the physical agony pales in comparison to the spiritual price he paid on that day. 2 Corinthian­s 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousn­ess of God in him.” All of our sins were poured out on him, and he tasted death for every man.

In a few days, I will see Fred the Butterfly take flight, having suffered and died for his own benefit. 2000 years ago, Jesus suffered and died for our benefit, and one day we who have believed in him will take our own flight as a result, and meet him face to face to say thank you.

Bo Wagner is pastor of the Cornerston­e Baptist Church in Mooresboro, N.C., a widely traveled evangelist, and author of several books, including a kid’s fiction book about the Battle of Chickamaug­a, “Broken Brotherhoo­d.” He can be emailed at 2knowhim@cbc-web.org.

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