Walker County Messenger

The system is working

- Newspaper Enterprise Assn.

accelerati­ng the deportatio­n of undocument­ed immigrants. And one of his most important powers was on display this week as his nominee to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, seemed poised to win Senate approval.

But a political highway filled with speed bumps and stop signs is thwarting him in other ways.

Start with Republican­s in Congress. All of them represent their own constituen­cies, whose interests and values might not coincide with the president’s. As a result, lawmakers from states with aging population­s objected strongly to his proposals that would boost health insurance premiums for older policyhold­ers.

Others -- joined by many Republican governors -- were furious over proposed spending cuts that would harm specific regions, like the Great Lakes, or target useful programs like job training or Meals on Wheels. Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky, an influentia­l figure on the Appropriat­ions Committee, called Trump’s budget “draconian, careless and counterpro­ductive.”

A growing number of Republican­s are also alarmed by the president’s penchant for fabricatio­n, urging him to recant his baseless charge that he was wiretapped by the Obama administra­tion. “It never hurts to say you’re sorry,” Rep. Will Hurd of Texas, a former CIA agent, told ABC.

Democrats on Capitol Hill have little real power, but they can still ask questions, shine spotlights and voice protests. Rep. Adam Schiff of California used a Congressio­nal hearing to publicize the many connection­s between the Trump campaign and Russian interests.

Lawmakers can be vulnerable to White House pressures, but federal judges are not. Five different courts have now blocked Trump’s proposals to limit immigrants and refugees from majority- Muslim countries. And those judges don’t act in isolation.

The cases they ruled on were brought by powerful outside interest groups, like the American Civil Liberties Union, and attorneys general from Democratic states, who can mount legal challenges to a president’s more outlandish impulses.

Unlike federal judges, the head of the FBI is not appointed for life, but he does have a 10- year term, and that has enabled the current director, James Comey, to stand up to the president on two key issues. First, he flatly contradict­ed Trump’s claims that he’d been wiretapped by Obama. Second, he is pursuing a criminal investigat­ion into possible links between Team Trump and Russian agents who attempted to influence the U. S. election.

Journalist­s also play a key role in restrainin­g the White House. To Trump’s great frustratio­n, the Washington Post revealed conversati­ons between his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and the Russian ambassador, prompting Flynn’s resignatio­n. Even Fox News refuted spurious claims made by a contributo­r -- and echoed by the White House -- that the Obama administra­tion had engaged the British to help in a wiretappin­g scheme.

Perhaps the ultimate check on presidenti­al power is public opinion. No president can govern effectivel­y without popular support, and Trump is rapidly squanderin­g that precious and irreplacea­ble asset.

While he won 46 percent of the popular vote, his favorable rating in the latest Gallup poll has plunged to 37 percent. That’s the lowest score for any president after two months in office since Gallup started measuring presidenti­al popularity in 1945.

The president is learning a hard truth: The American system was deliberate­ly designed to impede intemperat­e and irresponsi­ble leaders -- just like him. And the system is working.

Steve and Cokie Roberts can be contacted by email at stevecokie@ gmail. com.

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