Walker County Messenger

Live life well, love well


Not all news is good news, but what we do with it can make all the difference in our lives and others.

Why do we wait until it is almost too late to change things?

Our Sage, Queen of the Heyer Home for almost 9 years, has been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer called Osteosarco­ma. Our hearts are broken, but our bond will not be. We will cherish every memory and share with others for a lifetime.

So, yes, we have had devastatin­g news about our Sage. She seems fine currently, but with a limp in her back leg where the tumor is located. It is hard to believe that she has cancer and will only make it a short time, maybe months. She is still the same ole Sage, the Queen that rules. She stands tall, proud, barks when disturbed or concerned and will run when she feels it is necessary to protect her territory from bugs, flies, bees and some of the larger insects and animals. At this point, nothing is different except for the limp and our knowledge of the diagnosis and the prognosis.

What we decided to do with this diagnosis is to love her well, spoil her well with love and full use of the couch and feed her “healthy homemade meals” from natural and healthy meats and vegetables to keep her well as long as possible.

We will keep her comfortabl­e as possible for the best quality of her life. When that times comes to an end, we will have loved her well, tried our best, spoiled her and then we will let her go. It is about her well- being, not our prolonged time with her.

I have been reminded a lot about life in these last few days. We need to change our lifestyles, our diets, our attention to our loved ones and to have a healthy and happier mindset for what really matters. Don’t wait to cook the good healthy meals when we get sick, don’t stay so busy with life that you miss the good times with family, friends and your four-legged family. Maybe we should have the heart of our animals that love unconditio­nally even when they probably don’t feel like it. Be devoted, loving and protecting of the things that matter most because as so many have already experience­d or will experience, life can change in a heartbeat.

So, in the month of February when we celebrate love and our hearts, let’s start living well, loving well, eating well, thinking well and put back into our lives the practices and priorities that really matter. Choose love and remember the two most important commandmen­ts are “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandmen­t. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Matthew 22:36-40 New Internatio­nal Version (NIV)

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandmen­t in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandmen­t. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandmen­ts.”

Wishing you a heart full of love this February!

Lisa J. Heyer, GRI, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate-Jackson Realty, broker/ owner. She can be reached at lisa@lisaheyer.com.

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Contribute­d Sage
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