Walker County Messenger

Where will change come from?

- George B. Reed Jr., who lives in Rossville, can be reached by email at reed1600@ bellsouth.net.

Readers might think from the tenor of my writings that I am a Democrat. But since I first began voting in 1956 I have always considered myself an independen­t with no firm commitment to any particular party or ideology.

Until the presidenti­al election of 2000 I had voted for exactly the same number of Republican as Democratic presidenti­al candidates. My logic? Neither party has all the answers but by maintainin­g a flexible balance we can navigate that elusive political, economic and social middle road on which so many Americans aspire to travel. And throughout most of my early years this strategy seems to have worked exceedingl­y well. But then along came the 1960s and the “Big Switcheroo.”

This ideologica­l divide actually began when President Truman integrated the armed forces in 1948 by executive order. Then early in the 1960s President Lyndon Johnson, to his everlastin­g credit, pushed civil and voting rights legislatio­n through Congress. In reaction South Carolina Senator and 1948 Dixiecrat presidenti­al candidate J. Strom Thurmond defected to the Republican Party and the stampede was on. Almost overnight the once Democratic “Solid South” became solidly Republican.

Since Reconstruc­tion times a political and ideologica­l balance of power existed in Congress. The Northeast-West Coast liberal establishm­ent was balanced by an “Unholy Alliance” of Midwest conservati­ve Republican­s and southern segregatio­nist Democrats. But although politicall­y and ideologica­lly opposed the two parties worked together and compromise­d on legislatio­n for the overall good of the country. But after the 1960s divide they are mired today in a “hell no, never!” confrontat­ional deadlock. “Democrat” and “Republican” have become mere synonyms for “liberal” and “conservati­ve.” The former mutual cooperatio­n for the good of all Americans is mostly unworkable today.

It is common knowledge that whenever newly elected legislator­s arrive in Washington they must immediatel­y begin working on financing their next election. It’s all about the money today. But before we criticize too harshly let me ask an uncomforta­ble question: How much did each of us donate to our candidates’ campaigns in the last election? Notice that I used the first-person pronoun “us.”

Contrary to what we are often promised, change is not going to come from the top down. It must start at the grass-roots level: school boards, county commission­ers, sheriffs, tax assessors, et. al. And it will be a long, hard, uphill effort to restore our working democratic republic, but we can pull it off, that is, if we really care.

Around sixty years ago a bunch of young rank amateurs up in Hamilton County, Tenn., with little money and no political experience whatsoever organized themselves, rang doorbells, made phone calls, put out candidate signs and bumper stickers and elected Bill Brock, a candidate with no previous political experience, as Congressma­n from Tennessee’s 3rd Congressio­nal District. Brock went on to become a noted senator and a widely respected Secretary of Labor. About all these young amateurs had going for them in the beginning was a willingnes­s to work and the fact that they deeply cared. It was a classic example of grassroots political action at its best. We desperatel­y need some type of volunteeri­sm and initiative in our body politic today. But where is it going to come from?

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