Walker County Messenger

The GOP fight that stopped Trump’s immigratio­n plan

- COLUMNIST| Byron York is chief political correspond­ent for The Washington Examiner. This content originally appeared on the Washington Examiner at washington­examiner.com/ opinion/byron-yorks-daily-memo-the-gopfight-that-stopped-trumps-immigratio­nplan.

In the 2016 presidenti­al campaign, Donald Trump’s highest-profile promise was to build the wall — that is, to construct a barrier along about 1,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. Once elected, Trump’s best chance to win money from Congress for a wall came in 2018, when Republican Speaker Paul

Ryan controlled the House and Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell controlled the Senate.

It didn’t happen. Now, one of Trump’s strongest supporters on Capitol Hill, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, is out with a new memoir,

“Do What You Said You Would Do,” on Nov. 23 that describes those months when GOP lawmakers fought over competing visions of immigratio­n reform. The battle was intense, it was passionate and it came to nothing. No stricter immigratio­n laws were passed, and there was no significan­t funding for a wall. For that failure, Jordan points the finger of blame straight at then-Speaker Ryan.

“Paul Ryan is not where the American people are,” Jordan writes. “Paul Ryan’s position on immigratio­n is the same as the positions of the National Chamber of Commerce.” In the world of conservati­ve immigratio­n policy activists, accusing someone of siding with the Chamber of Commerce is about as harsh as it gets.

As Jordan tells it, Ryan sabotaged Republican immigratio­n reform by refusing to support a bill that the large majority of Republican­s supported, instead pushing a weaker bill that the Chamber supported. The result was that, facing united Democratic opposition, neither Republican bill passed.

The bill promoted by Jordan and his colleagues in the House Freedom Caucus would have “ended family-based chain migration apart from spouses and children,” Jordan writes. “It contained mandatory E-Verify language for employers and eliminated the visa lottery ... (it) also defunded sanctuary cities and appropriat­ed $30 billion for constructi­on of the wall.” The bill, Jordan argues, “was consistent with the message of the 2016 election.”

The bill supported by Ryan would also have funded the wall, albeit with $25 billion. “But it did nothing else to address the problems we were elected to solve,” Jordan writes. “It had no language to address chain migration, E-Verify or sanctuary cities ... (It) also created a renewable six-year legal status for up to 2.4 million illegal immigrants and gave those individual­s a path to legal citizenshi­p.” Finally, while the bill ended the visa lottery, it “reallocate­d those visas to amnesty recipients.”

“Which bill do you think Speaker Ryan supported?” Jordan asks. “You already know the answer.”

Ryan, Jordan charges, did not want to allow the House to vote on the Freedom Caucus bill. He did so only after the group threatened to sink a big, must-pass farm bill if they didn’t get a vote on immigratio­n. And then, the speaker declined to put pressure on — or whip, as they say on Capitol Hill — any Republican­s to vote for it. And still, the conservati­ve bill got 193 votes — a solid majority of the 241 Republican­s in the House at that time. Ryan did push for the other bill — what Jordan calls the Chamber of Commerce bill — but in the end it got only 121 votes.

“Why push for a bill that was 100 votes short of passing instead of a bill that got 193 votes and therefore was just a few votes shy of passing?” Jordan asks. “You already know why. Paul Ryan doesn’t want the legislatio­n President Trump and the American people supported.”

The Jordan-Ryan clash was a classic Republican immigratio­n debate.

While Democrats are virtually unanimous in support of amnesty and more liberal immigratio­n laws, the GOP is divided between a conservati­ve faction, which favors more restrictiv­e measures, and a business-oriented faction, which favors less restrictiv­e measures and higher levels of immigratio­n. Trump’s border wall proposal ran straight into that preexistin­g conflict.

In the end, Trump found other ways to build some of the wall.

By the time he left office and President Biden stopped constructi­on, about 450 miles had been built, most of it replacing existing but dilapidate­d older barriers. The Republican Congress’ failure to fund a wall has had real-life consequenc­es, most recently in the crisis in Del Rio, Texas, when 15,000 illegal border crossers waded across the Rio Grande and created a squalid migrant camp just inside the United States.

The Biden administra­tion allowed thousands of them to stay.

It was a crisis that is sure to be repeated, probably in the near future. But the story might have been different had Republican­s not been so divided in that 2018 debate.

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