Walker County Messenger

Kemp proposes more spending on education, health, law enforcemen­t

- By Dave Williams

ATLANTA — Gov. Brian Kemp asked Georgia lawmakers Thursday, Jan. 13, to use a record budget surplus to raise the salaries of teachers and state employees and hire more nurses and state troopers.

In his fourth and final State of the State address of a four-year term, Kemp told a joint session of the Georgia House and Senate education, health care and public safety will top his agenda as he seeks reelection.

“It invests historic levels of resources in our students and educators,” the governor said toward the end of a 26-minute speech. “It reduces the cost of health insurance for Georgia families (and) recruits 1,300 new nurses and doctors into communitie­s where they’re needed most.”

Kemp recommende­d a $2,000 raise for Georgia teachers, the final installmen­t of a $5,000 increase he promised four years ago on the campaign trail.

“Teachers are asked to do more and more every year,” Kemp said. “And the need for a world-class K-12 education to prepare our children for an ever-changing workforce has never been greater.”

Kemp also announced his fiscal 2022 mid-year budget will include $425 million to fully fund the K-12 school funding formula, doing away with “austerity” cuts that have plagued Georgia school systems for most of the last two decades.

Legislativ­e Democrats praised Kemp for recommendi­ng additional funding for education but said the governor could do more.

State Senate Minority Leader Gloria Butler said Democrats will continue pushing for a full-blown expansion of Georgia’s Medicaid program through the Affordable Care Act and a statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour.

“With a record-breaking budget surplus, this is the best time to invest in Georgia, not maintain the status quo,” said Butler, D-Stone Mountain.

The governor also endorsed legislativ­e efforts to enact a parental bill of rights to ensure parents are involved in their children’s education and a bill prohibitin­g the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Georgia schools, which teaches that racism has played and continues to play a major role in American history and culture.

“I look forward to working with members of the General Assembly this legislativ­e session to protect our students from divisive ideologies — like Critical Race Theory — that pit kids against each other,” he said.

On health care, Kemp asked for $1 million for the University System of Georgia to expand nursing programs to support up to 500 students a year for five years and funds for the Technical College System of Georgia to add up to 700 nursing students.

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