Wapakoneta Daily News

Five myths and facts about cholestero­l


(NAPSA)—HIGH cholestero­l is a known risk factor for heart disease and stroke and is estimated to cause nearly 2.6 million deaths annually. Yet, a survey from the American Heart Associatio­n shows that nearly two-thirds of people who have high cholestero­l don’t think they’re at high risk for a heart attack or stroke.

“My Cholestero­l Guide” is a new, online tool that provides informatio­n, practical tips and downloadab­le resources to help the more than 94.6 million Americans living with high cholestero­l. The guide is the latest offering from the American Heart Associatio­n, the world’s leading voluntary health organizati­on devoted to fighting cardiovasc­ular disease and stroke.

What it is

Cholestero­l is a waxy, fatlike substance found in all cells of the body. Elevated levels of blood cholestero­l can create blockages in the arteries and is one of the major controllab­le risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

“People with high cholestero­l usually don’t have symptoms, so unless you get tested, you may not realize you need treatment,” said Ann Marie Navar, M.D., PH.D., a volunteer member of the Associatio­n’s Cholestero­l Advisory Committee and an Assistant Professor of Cardiology at the Duke Clinical Research Institute in Durham, N.C. “Even though we have a lot of evidence about the benefits and safety of cholestero­l-lowering treatment, the challenge is that cholestero­l remains underdiagn­osed and subsequent­ly undertreat­ed.” What to do

The best way to manage high cholestero­l is a multiprong­ed approach, including diet, exercise and medication if cholestero­l levels remain elevated, she said.

The challenge is that many people don’t recognize their risk due to some of the following misconcept­ions about cholestero­l.

Myths and Facts

Myth 1—High cholestero­l isn’t a concern for children.

High cholestero­l can be hereditary. Familial hyperchole­sterolemia is a genetic disorder that can cause early heart disease. If someone is diagnosed with extremely high cholestero­l or familial hyperchole­sterolemia, it’s important that all family members get tested, including young adults and children, so that treatment isn’t delayed, Navar said.

Myth 2—You don’t need a cholestero­l check until you’re middle-aged.

Getting your cholestero­l checked starting at age 20 and talking with your health provider to ensure you understand what it means is crucial because getting treated early can play an important role in reducing the risk of heart disease.

“For every decade your cholestero­l is high in your 30s and 40s, you increase your risk for heart disease by more than 30 percent,” Navar said.

Myth 3—Thin people don’t have high cholestero­l.

Overweight people are more likely to have high cholestero­l, but even people who maintain a healthy weight and regular exercise can have high cholestero­l.

“Since genetics does play such an important role, some people may be doing everything right and still have high cholestero­l,” she said.

Myth 4—If the nutrition label shows no cholestero­l, a food is “heart healthy.”

Nutrition labels can be helpful, but you should read beyond the amount of cholestero­l a food contains.

“It’s important to look for saturated fats, trans fats and added sugars because these all affect our heart health and cholestero­l levels,” Navar said.

Myth 5—Only people with “high” cholestero­l need medicine to lower their cholestero­l.

“Even people whose cholestero­l falls within what we would call ‘normal’ range can benefit from having cholestero­llowering medication if they have other risks for heart disease or stroke,” Navar said. “Beyond just your cholestero­l numbers, knowing your overall risk of heart disease can help determine if you need to be on treatment.”

Where to learn more The American Heart Associatio­n’s Check. Change. control. cholestero­l initiative, supported by Sanofi and Regeneron, has informatio­n and resources for identifyin­g and managing your cholestero­l and other cardiovasc­ular risk factors. Visit www.heart. org/cholestero­l for further facts, and www.heart.org/ My cholestero­l guide to download the free guide.

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